September 11- Unanswered Questions (good overview with links!)
A delegation of people met with Senator Feinstein's and Senator Boxer's staff, to raise our concerns, demand a Congressional Inquiry, raise these questions, offer copies of (some of) the articles listed to draw public attention to these issues which concern us and the entire world.
I represented myself as a member of
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
The questions-
On January 15th activists marched to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office to submit documents and demand an inquiry of 9-11, the event was covered by Channel 2 and broadcast on local television.
Details were posted as an
article at the sf.indymedia website.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth- Calling for Congress to have a full independent investigation of the collapses of the three World Trade Center Buildings
New York City Coalition for Accountability Now!
New York City voters have the power to legally mandate the formation of a new investigation with subpoena power by petitioning to place a referendum on the ballot in the November 2009 General Election. Only New York City residents can sign the petition, but all of us can support the effort financially and in other ways. (Pass on this link to survivor Janette MacKinlay's plea for support of this effort-
2009 Truth Statement
We STILL Want Real Answers About 9/11 (A reiteration of the 2004 Truth Statement that received much attention when Van Jones was forced to resign, because he signed the statement.)
Formally- Petition to the Senate to Investigate Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks (over 30,000 signatures so far!)
Scholars Call for Release of 9/11 Information (Over 20,000 signatures so far).
Support Ellen Mariani who wants to hold those most responsible accountable for the death of her husband all all those others who lost their lives. (Over 17,000 signatures)
Toward a New Criminal Investigation into the Events of September 11, 2001.
A PETITION OF SOLIDARITY with New York legislators, first responders, victim families, and millions of NY citizens calling for a new investigation of unsolved 9/11 crimes, and the full prosecution of those found responsible. (Over 16,000 signatures, so far.)
Here's another petition - Calling for an INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION (not the obvious government sanctioned cover-up commission).
Repeal the Patriot Act- (over 17,000 signatures)
Release of Classified DOJ-IG Report on FBI Cover-Up (on behalf of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds) (over 15,000 signatures)
A petition, created by the women appearing in the documentary, 9-11 Press for Truth (over 17,000 signatures)
9/11 Call for Truth, a petition created to draw attention to 9/11 Truth Candidates
The SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TREASON INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR ACT, A petition urging Congress to try Bush/Cheney for treason for their role in 9/11.
Repeal the Torture Law
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 not only constitutes an assault on habeas corpus, it has effectively legalized the use of torture by the United States government. Of this act, George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley has said, "What the congress did and what the president signed essentially revokes over 200 years of American principles and values."
Oppose Blackwater's Plans for a Training Facility in California
Increasingly corporate, mercenary armies are being created which are unaccountable and make mega-bucks for corporate cronies. Blackwater needs to be exposed and stopped nationally. Check out Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army
by Jeremy Scahill to learn of this new threat against Americans and the world under the guise of the "bogus war on terrorism."
August 6, 2011
Today I will be picking up cards and posters for our upcoming 10th Anniversary Events and going to the Confronting the Two-Headed Dragon of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power - Demonstrating against the Mega-Violent and Mega-Toxic Nuclear Industry on the 66th Anniversaries of the U.S. Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at Livermore Labs. Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance is one of the co-sponsors of the event. In my non-existent spare time, I have been very active to shut down the nuclear power and nuclear weapons industry. I have been working on many issues, but am trying to do the best I can to pull together our annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival, Rally, March, in solidarity with the larger 9/11 Truth Movement. I have been blogging on my new improved website, but usually I'm too busy to write. The website is never updated enough; the work is endless, and the days and nights too short to ever catch up.
September 10, 2010
Yesterday multiple press conferences were held announcing the new groups- Scientists for 9/11 Truth, Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth, and Military Officers for 9/11 Truth. Former Senator and presidential candidate, Mike Gravel moderated a press conference in DC with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I tried to listen to all I could, before I did my radio show with Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips of Project Censored, and I had some trouble reaching them at the Film Festival, so I spoke about the history of the movement and the latest news until we could reach Mickey. We also discussed how Project Censored has been censored because they have taken the courageous "let's investigate more stand on 9/11." One of this year's most censored stories is the failure of the media to cover Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth's press conference last February.
I hoped that we might have some breakthroughs yesterday, but the news seems as censored as always. As soon as the radio show concluded, I headed to the Film Festival, which had a small, but decent sized turnout. I received a few minutes time to encourage people to attend our Saturday morning 9th Annual Truth Rally/March and to speak a little about the history and need for - Satyagraha - Truth Force, the theme of this year's march.
I received a moving email from Jeremy Rothe-Kushel who interviewed Reverend James Lawson (the same man who received an honorary degree from Oberlin on the day my son graduated and the Free Gaza Flotilla was attacked- whose story touched me deeply). In the interview Lawson described the birth of satyagraha with these words:
Then after he finished that major campaign, he didn’t like to call what he was doing “non-violence,” so he had a contest in which he asked for suggestions to the Indian community in South Africa- What should we call this?
And from that, he got suggestions for the two words, which he put together to form “satyagraha;” Satya, meaning “truth, but Gandhi also made the term “God” synonymous, and “love” synonymous, and “spirit” synonymous. He might have also gone so far as to say that “faith” is synonymous. And then, “graha,” meaning tenacity, strength, firmness, force. So, his translation is the one that I love- “soulforce.”
Another person mentioned in the press conferences was Dick Gregory, who ran for President years ago, and also was the man who got the Zapruder film shown on national television- which is what got Congress to reopen an investigation into that assasination and recognize that it was a "conspiracy" and not just a lone nut, as the Warren Commission ruled.
This evening, I got this email-
It was so painful for me as my wife Lil and I watched the events of September 11, 2001 on television. Seeing a plane hit the World Trade Center (WTC) North Tower at 8:46, then a second plane hit the South Tower at 9:02. Shortly, we saw the firefighters and other first responders courageously going into the buildings hoping to extinguish the fires, but it was impossible to foresee what followed.
Then we watched in shock as nearly a dozen people were jumping from the upper floors to their deaths.
We felt profound horror at 9:59 as the South Tower cascaded in freefall into its own footprint, and then 29 minutes later when the North Tower came down in the same impossible freefall way.
The new forensic evidence which is being released today by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth demonstrates the presence of controlled demolition materiel in the World Trade Center buildings One and Two.
Just one week after September 11, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Christine Todd Whitman declared “I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington DC that their air is safe to breathe and their water is safe to drink” and that we “. . . need not be concerned about environmental issues as [we return to [our] homes and workplaces”.
Yet to this day, at least 900 first responders have since died as a result of the effects of toxic “dust” from the buildings and the some 3,000 human remains that enveloped lower Manhattan and which Mayor Rudolph Giuliani declared “We must clear the rubble”. This “rubble” in fact constituted evidence from a massive crime scene, but was hauled away, first to Long Island, and then was eventually placed on barges and shipped to China.
One thing I know is that the official government story of those events, as well as what took place that day at the Pentagon, is just that, a story. This story is not the truth, but far from it.
I was born on October 12, 1932. I am announcing today that I will be consuming only liquids beginning Sunday until my eightieth birthday in 2012 and until the real truth of what truly happened on that day emerges and is publicly known.
I wish I had had more sleep last night, more time before tomorrow, more time to pull together the rally and handle all the details, make all the phone calls that I should have made. I struggled today to just unload and reload my car, make the critical calls, and bake lots of cookies and bread rolls for tomorrow (which is less stressful than making press phone calls- and so much more tangible, real, appreciated than trying to get the media's attention.) I did recruit the kids to help me bake them. Thank - God for children!
I am going to try to get a good night's sleep, so that I can be peaceful, calm, and cognizant tomorrow when I hit the road at 5 am....
September 7, 2010
I just posted a couple of articles about the upcoming 9/11 Truth events on and one without the editorializing at Portland which is the only indymedia that actually has a section for the investigation of 9/11. (I sent out a similar press release to Bay Area news outlets today.) My last two radio shows were on 9/11, and on Thursday, I will be speaking with Project Censored's Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff, whose new Censored 2011 book will be coming out next week, both of them will also be speaking at the 6th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival. It's hard to say which is more work, trying to get stories, facts, information into the media, or creating the media- my radio show for instance. It is a real challenge, and very time consuming, which is one reason I decided to not be on the Film Festival organizing committee this year. I wish them the best, but I couldn't deal with all the arguments, missed deadlines, and stress. I'm so glad not to be doing it this year, although I'm glad others took it on, and I'm very glad that I had the chance/opportunity to interview Brett Smith, whose film Hypothesis we will be premiering at the film festival. (There are some aspects to the pr work that I really enjoy- like the interviews.) I did try to help a little, but I didn't make my usual Herculean style efforts- the committee did most all of the work, and all of the decision making. I just hope they get an audience, and I also hope that people come to the 9th Annual 9/11 Truth Rally/March which I've been trying to organize...
March 3, 2010
Finally the art for the new Deception Dollars and Perception Dollars is at the printers.
Deception Dollar Issue #11 (Back)
Trillion Deception Dollar Issue #1
Trillion Deception Dollar Issue #1 (back)
Every obstacle, delay has turned out to be an opportunity in disguise, however- and the artwork reflects that. I'm glad David Ray Griffin allowed us to use the title of his new book and his website on the bill. I also realized that March 8, 2010 is the trial of Splitting the Sky versus George W. Bush and the day we were hoping to get the first bills, so I put that date on the new bills, as well as "The Calgary Principles" articulated by Professor Anthony J. Hall. Cynthia McKinney spoke at the "Criminalizing War" Conference at Kuala Lumpur and pointed out the unaccountability of the criminals at the highest levels of government and praised John Boncore's efforts to serve a citizen's warrant to arrest George W. Bush, and stated that she would testify in defense of Splitting the Sky at the upcoming trial. It's hard to know precisely when we will reach the "tipping point," but I believe that if there was a poll taken that the vast majority of people, if they hear about this trial would side with Splitting the Sky.
I plan to write an article or two about the trial and to have Splitting the Sky and Professor Hall on my radio show on March 11, 2010. I also want to discuss the trial at tomorrow night's meeting, maybe this will also open up a new avenue to bring the truth and peace and justice movements together. On Saturday we were planning on lobbying for a speaker at the upcoming anti-war rally, pushing for Richard Gage, AIA, as a speaker, but maybe we can also push to include Splitting the Sky or Tony Hall or Cynthia McKinney, all of whom are truth supporters, as well.
I just wish I wasn't sick, or so exhausted, because there is much work to be done.
February 20, 2010
It has been an extraordinarily demanding week for me with lots of challenges.'s office lost power on Tuesday and went down, just as we were trying to send out the media alert, and I was also trying to post the details on the new drafts of the Perception Dollar and the new Deception Dollar Version #11. It was evening before I learned that media alert had gone out and it was too late to call the press. The next day Palo Alto lost power, so I couldn't make any press phone calls or use my computer at all. Thursday, I had my hands full with the new radio show, my co-host bailed suddenly on me and fortunately the interview with Richard Gage, AIA and physicist Steven E. Jones went very well. It was late before I could wrap up the work on next week's show/the archives with Progressive Radio Network and I really wanted to see Janette, even though I was quite late to the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting. Janette was in good spirits. Her sons are taking good care of her. Her home was flled with beautiful bouquets of flowers. She is still tired, the prognosis is grim, but she is optimistic and hopeful, enjoying the photos, videos and company of her new grandson. She is also quite sure the tumor was caused by her exposure to the 9/11 dust. Her operation did last 6 hours, but she felt it went miraculously well.
The meeting went well. We voted $100 to endorse the March 20th anti-war rally and to work on getting a 9/11 Truth speaker- preferably Richard Gage at the rally. Most of us were planning to go the the big press event the next day.
Sadly none of the mainstream media showed up for the press conference, although I was glad to see lots of "our independent media/allies" even Yumi came all the way from Japan! The setting was impressive, al;though the press conference was packed and more like a rally than a press conference. I was surprised and glad that Erik Lawyer, founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth was there. He spoke very well and was an inspiration to all of us. I saw lots of old friends and met some great people. I was very glad to be there. I had the honor of taking Erik Lawyer to dinner, and Mark Phillips and Cynthia, the new woman who has joined Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance joined us at a nearby Indian Restaurant where we were able to continue a lively conversation. It was really an honor for me to meet so many wonderful people throughout the day. Unfortunately, I had hoped to give Erik a lift to the airport, but the parking lot where I parked closed before we got there, so he ended up taking a cab. The guy who rescued my car was very understanding and nice, and I will not make the same mistake again.
It was disappointing to see how little media coverage we received, although Cat posted to the list "I just saw on Channel 2 News and they announced the news conference today for A&E. They said that, Richard Gage has proof that the towers didn't fall down from planes hitting the buildings and that another tower went down without a plane hitting it. They said Mr. Gage has over 1,000 signatures of A & E agreeing that it had to be explosives.
This is so awesome for all."
She's going to try to get the footage. I never did get the footage of the first march on Eshoo's office in January 2002 demanding an investigation of 9/11 when KTVU came out to film it and people did see it on TV. By the time I tried to get it, it no longer existed anywhere. That is the problem with TV news- it can be so short, fleeting, and easily missed, forgotten. Using the press release template, I just wrote a short article on the Press Conference to post on local news websites. If the media ain't going to do the job- it is up to us to be the media.
February 11, 2010
9:11 am - and I'm trying to get ready for my monthly action in downtown Palo Alto, and updating the website with the schedule for the first segment of our new weekly radio show- Community Currency on February 18th. I'm delighted that Richard Gage, AIA and Physicist Steven Jones will be our guests. I will also be helping with the big press conference the following day, February 19th in San Francisco.
On a sadder note, Janette MacKinlay, who has been a pillar of the movement and a dear friend, will be going in for major brain surgery, a 4 hour operation tomorrow. She will have to stay awake the whole time and keep talking, and I'm afraid that since the tumor has affected her ability to speak, she is likely to lose that ability during the operation. Our prayers, love, and thoughts need to be directed her way tomorrow.
February 7, 2010
I have been unable to update the website or send out a list of all the events because my computer died a few days ago. My husband has rebuilt it and upgraded the software and I'm having to learn how to use it, so I'm way behind in my work. Blaine came up with the art for the new Deception and Perception Dollar which I was able to bring to last Thursday's meeting. I was surprised that the opposition melted somewhat. Only Bill Rushton opposed the idea and the art and voted against the $2000 that was approved for the next printing of Dollars, as well as updated 9/11 Fact Sheets and paper versions of's flyers for our strret actions. The art is still not finalized. I have to find a new printer, sincer Hatcher Press went out of business. I hope we can get them printed and distributed, in time for the big anti-war rallies in March.
Richard Gage was at the last meeting to give us an update on the big Press Conference, Luncheon, AE911Truth Conference on February 19th. David Ray Griffin and Steven Jones have both agreed to come and speak.
January 29, 2009
I missed two of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meetings, for health reasons, but I finally was able to go to last week's meeting where we dis cussed the horrific position/paper entitled Conspiracy Theories written by the Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. At least we know that the extreme, outrageous response by the government to our work shows that we have been effective at influencing public opinion and raising consciousness, despite the lies perpetuated by the government and the mass media obscuring the facts and damning us as paranoid lunatics.
Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is planning on holding a major press conference/luncheon/conference in San Francisco on February 19th, 2010 to mark the major milestone of gathering 1000 signatures in support of their petition for a truly independent inquiry into 9/11, specifically the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings.(Do visit their website to RSVP and come or to support their efforts).
Blaine has made some progress with the artwork for the new Perception and Deception Dollars, which I hope to get published and distributed before the big anti-war rallies in March. The slow progress on the artwork has been frustrating, but that's life. I posted the draft of the new Perception Dollar in my annual Christmas letter to friends and family, but the art for the Deception Dollar still needs work. With over 100,000 messages in my IN box, I'm way behind on my mail and trying to self-organize a bit more. I decided to not run for Congress again this year. I did agree to co-host, with Sheila Dean, a new one hour, weekly radio show, entitled Community Currency on the Progressive Radio Network. I noticed that the founder, Gary Null, who hosts the Gary Null Show will feature a 9/11 Panel next week, which includes Richard Gage, Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan- our 9/11 Truth heroes! They asked me to host the show because I'm a Green and didn't know about my 9/11 Truth background, but hope that my focus will be on "solutions."
This past week has been a challenging one. Janette MacKinlay, my friend and a vital member of the 9/11 Truth community was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent a biopsy on Tuesday. She's home now, but the real challenge will be for her to recover and heal from what has been diagnosed as a fast-growing tumor. I posted an article about her entitled- Surviving 9/11.
December 8, 2009
My friend, Chuck Millar, is back from Ecuador, and joined me at the two anti-war rallies in San Francisco last week, one organized by the The World March for Peace and Nonviolence. I was glad to see many people I knew, plus other 9/11 Truth signs.
Photos, articles, press and video links posted here-
There were lots of 9/11 Truth activists at the rally and march, and more protestors than I thought would be there- I think about 500 people, despite the cold. Chuck and I did radio interviews with KCBS, and I believe ours was one of many rallies that took place nationwide.
At the December 3rd meeting, we voted to endorse the December 12, 2009 EMERGENCY ANTI-ESCALATION RALLY in Washington D.C., I doubt if we will send people, but we did vote a $100 donation for the rally. Next weekend, Bill would like to table outside the KPFA Crafts Fair, but the weather doesn't look or feel promising. I missed the deadline to get us a space indoors, and we are experiencing unusually cold weather and rain.
Yesterday, I drove past Lytton Plaza, where I usually holding the "Listening Project- 9/11 Truth Visibility Action" - it is still fenced off for renovation. It is still a logistical nightmare for me to table in San Francisco without help, but if it looks like Lytton Plaza is unavailable, with Chuck's help- I might try San Francisco on Friday, depending on the weather- I don't try to table in the rain.
I've begun a new blog to cover things besides 9/11 Truth.
November 29, 2009
Last weekend I spoke at an "End the Fed Rally" at the San Francisco Federal Reserve and then went to a meeting looking at the upcoming court cases against the alleged highjackers, and high US government officials for their role in 9/11. I was late for the meeting where much information was shared and strategies and action plans discussed. It is very hard to "organize" a social movement, especially one as widespread and diverse as the Truth Movement. I'm still undecided on where to devote my time and energies, but I am still hoping that Blaine and I can agree on the art for the next edition of the Deception Dollar and the Perception Dollar. While a collaboration, the real work rests on his shoulders, as I can't do it without the art.
One year his computer was down, last summer we both were busy and couldn't meet the September 11th deadline. Now since January is right on the horizon, if we can pull together the art, I might print a 2010 election bill and consider running for Congress, again. I must admit that my life has in many ways been much easier since November 2008, when the pressure of being a radio show host, doing the 9/11 Film Festival/Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance work/running for Congress, abruptly ebbed with the election of Obama. I feel extremely fortunate to be able to choose what I want to do, but I also feel the weight of responsibility. When I saw Swami Beyondananda (Steve Bhaerman) recently, he encouraged me to "build the butterfly" and I must admit that it would be nice to work on something inspiring than attacking the corrupt, dying empire.
I found two very inspiring videos recently- a short (less than two minute one) entitled Lost Generation
And- a lovely French film entitled- The Green Beautiful (Originally- La Belle Verte) (It's in 9 parts and is 90 minutes in length and begins on a planet where money is obsolete, and people live long, happy, healthy lives and only one person volunteers to go to the planet Earth to help out... There is a lot of humor in the film and it is a great tool to challenge the unconscious reality that many people live in.)
It is a challenge to know where best to put my time, stay healthy, happy, and balance my work with the demands of my family, and whether to improve relationships within the groups that I have worked with in the past, or whether to forge new relationships, new groups and begin afresh on new projects.
November 16, 2009
I have been thinking about starting a new blog on a different page, since more of my time and energy is being drawn to other issues and realms, besides 9/11 Truth. On November 5, 2009 (Guy Fawkes Day), at the last Northern California 9/11 Truth meeting, the agenda was rather full; their was a lot of discussion, but no resolution, as far as process/structure/the future of the group. I proposed spending a day, outside of the normal meeting, to concentrate on process, but the proposal was misunderstood or ignored and Scott suggested tackling process and structure at the next meeting. Ugh. On the 11th, several of us joined with the SF regulars to table at Powell and Market. Bill spearheaded tabling at the Green Festival; I helped transport some of the stuff on Sunday. I was supposed to speak on the Controlled Demolition of the WTC Buildings and the Economy last Saturday, but a severe migraine knocked me off my feet for a day.
I also tabled for us at the premiere of Andy Worthington's excellent new documentary- "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo" on November 10th which adds another dimension to my understanding of the announcement of the upcoming New York show trials of the alleged co-conspirators behind the 9/11 attacks. Anyone subjected to horrendous torture for a long period of time can be induced into confessing or saying anything to end their pain. Torture, as now practiced by the US military and CIA and their affiliates, has been refined so that even when the physical torture ends, the psychological torture can be even worse, more painful, less endurable.
My heart goes out to all the victims of US torture, particularly the innocent, who have been tortured to extract confessions that cloak US or Israeli or other intelligence agencies "special operations" - the designated patsies that provide the cover for the real masterminds and beneficiaries of 9/11 and the "war on terrorism."
I've been drowning in books, new DVDs, information coming to me almost faster than I can process it, and certainly faster than I can disseminate it. At the same time, I can't keep up with the needs of family, household, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, my own projects. I am forever trying to balance my life.
November 2, 2009
I forgot to take my camera to West Fest where the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance had a booth at the 40th anniversary of Woodstock celebration, free concert. I was pretty busy, as it was. The volunteers who said that they would help me at 6 am were several hours late and Bill and I tabled most of the time, with a bit of help from the couple who were volunteeering for primarily. It was good to have our banner up high, but for the morning we were well concealed by a few vehicles and a booth that was parked almost directly in front of us- so we were hard to find. The cookies were a hit, though and I am amazed that they lasted until 4:30 pm... I doubt if 500,000 people came, but there were probably at least 50,000, but lots of other booths, besides ours.
Most of my energy subsequently went into preparing the altar for the Spiral Dance
Spiraling Between Worlds
We still haven't finished the art for the new Deception and Perception Dollars, but Blaine is still working on them. I could use help, as well, choosing the best websites to add and subtract.
October 19, 2009
On Thursday, it took me forever to get to the East Bay, where I had hoped to meet up with others to take BART to San Francisco for the Obama Protest. I was late, but found Camille and others, and I think we had a very visual presence, even if the media chose to try to ignore us. Here's one story with photos that was posted at
We couldn't stay too long, because there was also a Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting that evening in Berkeley. I was late. The meeting didn't actually break up til after 11:30 pm. We forgot to pass the hat. We didn't vote on any financial matters. Bill made a good presentation on Robin Hordon (the former air controller)'s affidavit. There was discussion of governance. What really kept people so long, was wanting to hear the proposed legal strategy of a lawyer, who has recently joined our group, who was pushing for getting a District Attorney to champion 9/11 (as Jim Garrison did in the case of JFK) and begin a criminal case. He made a great argument, but I think finding a man of integrity, willing to sacrifice his career, reputation, livelihood (and perhaps his life), in the interests of truth, justice, humanity will be exceedingly difficult.
On Friday I packed the car and baked lots of cookies for the San Francisco October 17th Anti-War Rally. Here's just one of the articles posted at
I can't express the love and gratitude that I feel for Bill, Joel, Foster, Tyman, Scott Page, Camille, Ingrid, David, Christine, Tania, Dana, and Scott Munson for their help, their presence. Scott Munson delivered tent poles to my house on Friday, so we could hoist our 9/11 Truth and Cookies banner up real high, which increased our visibility greatly. It was good to have two banners and so many signs in the march, even if we decided against including the sound system, and just moved with the flow. I enjoyed passing out Deception Dollars, during the march, which are still very fun to give away. I also did a radio interview, at the same time, by someone who photographed how popular the dollars were.
Later I went to Berkeley to hear David Korten's talk on "End of Empire, A New Economy, Spiritual Awakening"... which was very inspirational and I reconnected with many old friends. I'm back to work on the new Deception Dollar and Perception Dollar and working on an altar for the Spiral Dance for the Empire and Dollar's Death & Life Honoring Currency's Birth. It would be nice to have them published in time for the Dance which usually draws 1000 people and is a big cultural, spiritual, political ritual, which I've participated in before.
October 14, 2009
Bill and I tabled at last weekend's excellent Teachers 4 Social Justice Conference. On Sunday, the 11th, I went to Lytton Plaza, which was closed for renovation, so I set up at City Hall on Hamilton Avenue, instead. It was incredibly quiet with almost no traffic at all- just a few people stopped to converse. At least I had time to read Kevin Barrett's book-
Tomorrow Obama will be in San Francisco, and I don't see how I can miss protesting him, although I'm still trying to figure out the logistics- since we also have a meeting that night in Berkeley, and I planned on bringing food and other stuff to the meeting, and don't see how I can get in and out of San Francisco by car; I'm sure the traffic will be horrific and blocked, as well.
I wish I had the latest Deception/Perception Dollars in print already, but it is taking much longer than anticipated- too many distractions.
October 7, 2009
I posted a report on the 2009 AMI Monetary Reform Conference. I also received an email from Eric Nadler who just posted this video
October 6, 2009
At the last two Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meetings, we voted on how to distribute the funds raised at the film festival. Usually I post the financial decisions on this webpage, but I thought other people would be taking notes and posting them to the group. At the last meeting, Ken and John also raised the issue of changing the governance structure of the group, and I mentioned our history, having had to wear the ad hoc hat of President, Treasurer, Secretary, for so long, and defending what I have seen as "taking responsibility" to get things done, which have been viewed as "tyrannical power grabs" by others. At this point, I really think the group has to choose or decide on the structure. I think of leadership as doing what needs to be done, because if I don't do it, no one else will. I hope people will volunteer to take on more responsibility; if they don't, then I'll continue to do the work vital to keeping the group functional- like the Agape Reports, the taxes, the calendar, events announcements, but I feel less enthusiasm to do "more work" which seems to attract more criticism than support. I have plenty of other work to do. John is urging the creation of "committees," but the history of our committees has been that they generally do not meet and generally do not do anything- no one actually takes responsibility for "doing things." So I have little enthusiasm for Ken's idea of a "Steering Committee," particularly if the steering committee is designed to direct and restrict everything that I do, while I do the brunt of the work. If they are willing to take on the work and the fiscal/legal/physical tasks- then fine, I will happily pass on the ad hoc positions and tasks that I've been doing. I can live without organizing another 9/11 Film Festival.
I did enjoy my trip to Chicago. I learned a great deal at the American Monetary Institute's Monetary Reform Conference, and I had a lot of fun swimming a mile in Lake Michigan on the final day of the conference, when people gathered for the traditional celebratory barbecue. There was no press coverage of the conference, so I have been working on an article/report, which is progressing slowly with all the family interruptions/meetings/phone calls/duties that fill my days.
It has been almost exactly a year since the bailout was passed by Congress, my radio show on "Life, Money & Illusion" cancelled with the closing of the We the People Radio Station. So much has happened in the past year, and I feel that I'm at the crossroads, again, trying to decide where best to put my time, energy, efforts. Usually, I end up doing that which my spirit cannot resist. There are so many battles to be fought, but I think perhaps identifying and shining the light on solutions might be the best thing I can do as the American Empire and dollar collapse.
September 22, 2009
Today Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup ships. I hope it will help us reach a turning point, by reaching an audience well beyond the choir. Last weekend, Bill and I went to Petaluma to set up the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance booth at the Progressive Festival. We were joined by (whose name is similar to ours, but is based in Santa Rosa, and does organizing against the folks who gather at Bohemian Grove every year). We tabled side by side, very cooperatively. Bonnie had a Guns and Butter table. Ken and John had a table on the other side of the park. Together we passed out stacks of the latest Silicon Valley Metro with the great cover story on Richard Gage entitled "Explosive Theory", people were very supportive and receptive to our work. We even moved enough materials that I miraculously was able to fit another passeenger into the packed car for the return trip to San Francisco.
There is endless work to do on the website and to process all the feedback on our survey forms from the film festival, ordering dvds, getting booth space at the upcoming festivals. At the same time, there is a mass mobilization going on against the G20 meeting in Pittsburgh, NYCCAN is organizing a march in support of the ballot initiative and a new investigation of 9/11. Word continues to seep out from many different sources that the official 9/11 story is a fraud, and that criminality has reigned in the highest public offices. Before 9/11, my main focus was on global economics and changing the monetary system (which only requires changing the belief system of the world). I see the controlled demolition of the economy as an extension of 9/11. Although there is so much negative stigma attached to "9/11" that some people think I should work on one issue or another, but not both, certainly not simultaneously, but I can't resist going to the American Monetary Institute's annual conference in Chicago and would like to prepare for it (even though I'm not speaking at it, and plan to just listen and learn). I do plan on taking some of the 9/11 Truth resources with me; I would feel naked without them.
September 18, 2009
I still haven't been able to catch up with all the paperwork, thank-you letters... from the Film Festival. I did post a report about the film festival and our other events, but I haven't had time to catch up with the calendar, send out the upcoming events, nor the honorariums which we voted on at last night's Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting. I'm swamped again with guests coming over tomorrow, a committment to drive, set up, and man our booth at the Petaluma Progressive Festival on Sunday, and preparing for my trip to Chicago in a few days.
September 3, 2009
The challenges with the Film Festival have kept me in triage mode since July, really. I started my annual Christmas letter last January, but got so busy that I had hoped to get it out (along with the art for a new Deception and Perception Dollar) before the end of July. The critical organizing, press work, hard deadlines took first priority, but I thought I should at least send out the letter to local friends who aren't on email and would want to know about the Film Festival, before the event was over, so I got about 270 letters in the mail today, finally- although not all of my friends- I just can't keep track of everyone's address- even people like my mom, my brother, my best friends who have all been moving lately.
I did get out press advisories and post a short article 9/11: Seeking Truth - Exposing Lies - Facing Reality looking at the media support and media attacks that the local Truth Movement is experiencing. I'm so glad that we got the San Francisco Bay View, the East Bay Express, and Ed Asner to publicly support us (as well as KPFA, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian). Our print ads, radio ads, public service announcements will come out this week, and I can only hope for the best, and try to do all the vital organizing tasks that need to be done, but I think that the effort we have put into the event, the people and films that we will feature promise that it will be a great event, and should raise awareness and strengthen the movement, even if the process has put some stress on relationships. We also have additional events and actions that require a lot of work between now and next Tuesday.
August 10, 2009
At Thursday's meeting, the group voted me ad hoc executive authority for organizing the Film Festival, but the vote was pretty split and they hoped I could work cooperatively with everyone. Mike Daly came to the meeting and spoke and the group voted to include him, and the film Metal of Honor, in the Film Festival. I finally received a copy today and was able to review it. There are still lots of decisions to be made and conversations to be held before finalizing the program- argh. I did update the website, though, with the major elements. Cam came up with a beautiful poster design, updated the website and pulled together a fundraising party with janette's help at Janette's home, which was a lot of fun and raised $1100 towards promotion for the Film Festival. The San Francisco Bay Guardian and the Alameda County Green Party also expressed their support. There is a ton of things to do, but Sunday I was baking coconut cakes for the party and today chocolate chip cookies for my monthly "Listening Project" tomorrow. I'm trying not to get too stressed out by the fact that there just isn't going to be enough time to get everything done in time for the Festival, and that we will be missing deadlines.
August 2, 2009
I had hoped to have the program for the Film Festival finalized by now, up on the webpage, and have posters being made, but, not surprisingly, decision making via email is not happening, and now a "steering committee" has been formed, so the process is torturously slow. I had sent this email to the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance:
Jason is available and seeking work with websites. He created the one for Boston 911Truth and NYCCAN. He is hoping to create a useful template that he could offer and customize for different groups. Our current website is worse than dead- it has obsolete, misleading information about our meetings. If anyone knows what happened to Kai- please let us know. He is not responding to email or phone calls. I don't know how to get into the website or change it, though I'm sure the info exists somewhere- if anyone can help- please step forward. Jason could help with triage- perhaps getting the website presentable for our upcoming big event.
We had a good long, wide ranging talk, and during the course of it, it dawned on me that I have a major blind spot, and have hindered the group in many ways.
Some history, when the group first began, Vince Sauve was treasurer. I published the Deception Dollars and did tabling, but that money was under my control, not the control of the group. I hate paperwork and have zero business skills. I don't like to do taxes and since I've been married, I haven't had to do them at all- my husband does and I just sign the forms.
Before 9/11, my main issue was changing the monetary system. I had inherited a good amount of money, but I gave it all away in the 90's to nurture the local currency movement. Since 1998, I have been living on a small household allowance that my husband gives me- that covers food, gas, kids... a limited amount of activism. It was by accident that we learned that the Deception Dollars could help fund the Truth Movement, and all the money that I got from tabling, Deception Dollars has gone towards my activism. In 2004 my accountant said that I couldn't count the Deception Dollars as a "hobby" anymore. I had to find a non-profit umbrella to continue my activism. That is how we got under the umbrella of Agape Foundation. Janette MacKinlay helped and was our treasurer, at first, until she quit. Brian Good almost became treasurer, until our working relationship ended (He had been treasurer of my Congressional Campaign in 2006.) Since then, I have had to deal with the money, bank account, taxes, reports for Agape Foundation. The more money we get, the more work I have to do, hence I have a strong aversion to fundraising/asking for money- it means more work and responsibility for me. I don't know how to "hire people" and that adds such a huge level of complexity to the financial work that I have resisted adding to the size/complexity of the group. We have helped "birth" other groups, but we have remained small and not attracted lots of money. It is hard to donate to Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance (besides cash on the streets or at events). There isn't a paypal button on our website to make it easy to make credit card donations. You have to find the mailing address and write a check and mail it or go through Agape Foundation. Aside from Janette's successful fundraising letter, we haven't really tried hard to raise money. I have, in the past, easily raised money for the printings of Deception Dollars, but that was for something quite specific.
Scott phoned last night and suggested adding a button to the Film Festival Webpage- a widget to raise money. I wasn't optimistic or enthusiastic and I realized that I am inhibiting the growth/evolution of the group. I feel like a mom (I am a mom) with an adolescent wanting to separate and determine its independence, its strength, and its future.
When our family went on vacation to the mountains in June (which was why I missed the June meeting), we went for a hike and our older sons wanted to do a backpacking trip. My husband wanted to accompany them (he was a little worried about their safety). When they packed up, he ended up carrying the heaviest pack. The trail became steeper and steeper and turned into a climb over huge rocky slopes. I was worried about him (I had had to carry his pack in Yosemite recently, for him to make it to the top with the boy scouts.) At some point I stopped my kids and told them, "Parents are a necessity when you are young. They are a luxury when you are older, and if you don't take care of them and appreciate them, then you might lose them." They slowed down and shared some of his load.
I think our group is mature enough to function without me, but I think we can still work together effectively, but recognize our strengths and weaknesses and help each other out. We need another treasurer and someone who is willing to handle the taxes, finances, if we want to grow and hire people to do the vital work that needs to be done. We need someone who wants to raise money to do the pitch at the Grand Lake Theater (not me!!!!!). We need some money hungry people who know what projects we should be working on next to come forward and help with the whole fundraising part of "organizational development."
What gives me the strength and energy to try to put on the major events is the crazy notion that someday we will succeed and a critical mass of people will become aware of the Truth of 9/11 and ease the burden off our shoulders- we will accomplish our mission. We will be able to dissolve as an organization and get back to the rest of our lives. I see us having major breakthroughs this August and this September, I see the media actually coming to our press conference and events, I have this crazy optimism which drives me to work on the Film Festival and our Truth March/Rally... and want to publish version #11 of the Deception Dollars. But I am not so keen on raising money- though that is supposed to be one of the things one needs to do at a benefit- and we certainly can funnel money towards the projects we think are doing important, vital work...
John has been challenging my ideas on the program for the Film Festival, as well as my "process" and saying we need to hold some sort of election to be in a decision making capacity. I told him in response to his email-
I spoke to Jason today and told him how problematic the website and the group decision making process is. I don't have time to do everything, it has never been my main priority, someone who really cares has to volunteer to make real changes and upgrade our dead website to be functional again. I'm not going to do it.
I didn't know that you have to be elected to take responsibility and get the work done. So far no one has actually expressed a desire to be on the program "executive committee" with the exception of you and me.
Yesterday, I went hiking with my 18 year old son and his friends, bright gifted kids, all going to college next September, and none of them had a clue about the danger posed by the new untested vaccines. I'm very glad that we will be showing Anthrax War with film maker/author Eric Nadler at the film festival. The film details the privatization of the bio-warfare labs, their compartmentalization across international lines, the mysterious deaths of scientists who would like to blow the whistle or get out or know too much.
July 26, 2009
I've been very busy with meetings, phone conversations, e-mail exchanges in the ongoing process of organizing our upcoming 9/11 Film Festival. I wish I could be working on updating the webpage, but it is so much work and we still haven't finalized the program or logistical challenges that we face, but We will be premiering on Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup with film maker Dylan Avery, MC'ed by Bonnie Faulkner, producer of KPFA's Guns and Butter radio show. On Thursday we will be premiering Anthrax War - Dead Silence with film maker/author Eric Nadler and The New American Century our evening keynote speaker will be David Ray Griffin speaking about his latest book on the NIST Report on WTC 7. This will be a benefit for Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and NYC Coalition for Accountability Now. We also have many co-sponsors and the event is getting increasingly complex and demanding almost all of my attention. (I did help with the Santa Clara County Green Party Garage Sale all day yesterday.) I have to be careful not to overwork, or I get sick. Luckily my family helps me to remember to eat, sleep, play and not get too stressed by the challenges of trying to pull off a very complex event, in a very short amount of time The Film Festival has grown/evolved organically.
July 7, 2009
I am back to my usual "activist" life- overwhelmed again, and not able to keep up with the deluge of what needs to be done, and to post the ever-changing news. David Ray Griffin will be coming to speak at the Film Festival this September. We will move forward with our annual march to the Power to the Peaceful Festival with the idea of supporting the NYCCAN effort.
I finally had a chance to look at some of the info on Jane Burgermeister, respected Austrian journalist, who has filed a criminal suit in Austria (Evidence posted at- against- the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.) She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.
Interviews with Jane Burgermeister posted here-
Part 2
I also, on this day, received a link to a website which looks at the 7/7 bombings, which has a very good, concise documentary entitled- Mind the Gap.
We still haven't figured out whether we will do a one or two day film festival, and how many films we can include and which ones. I need to organize an emergency organizing meeting, so we can begin to move forward. So much to do- never enough time to do everything.
July 2, 2009
I know it was good for me to be in Downtown Palo Alto on June 11th, to do my usual Listening Project, despite the hectic demands of that day, following the High School Graduation Ceremony and the frantic preparations for Jeremy's Eagle Scout Ceremony. We were deluged by people, particularly young people celebrating the last day of school and I was delighted to have the company of my friend Chuck, who had just returned from Ecuador. It is the love of family and friends which helps us through periods of depression, when the pain of life or death knocks us off our feet.
On Monday, Jean-Luc went back to work; Daniel had left for summer camp, and I had just begun to get caught up on household chores when I got a call and an invitation to lunch from an activist from the East Coast who was visiting Palo Alto. We had a leisurely, wonderful, five hour lunch/conversation in The Grieving Garden. I can't say how good it was to connect with kindred spirits, nor how inspiring and informative the afternoon was. I had brought my usual cookies, dollars, DVDs, and was treated to a real feast, given a very special book by an extraordinary librarian, Nancy, and we had to keep notes of the book titles and references to not lose the nuggets of wisdom, insight tossed back and forth, covering a wide range of issues, ideas, history. Ignacio bemoaned the lack of a guitar, and I was able to loan them Jean-Luc's unused guitar. (We love the guitar and piano and have both instruments, but have never yet found the time to learn how to play them, so I was glad that the guitar, at least, was able to be enjoyed). David also gave me an assignment- to write an essay on one of Gandhi's ideas of "sin":
So much does come my way, and I can't give attention to everything at every moment; I am often overwhelmed into dazzled silence, digesting huge amounts of information and revelations, unable to begin to process and share what I have experienced and learned. At other times, I can't resist writing and I am frustrated by my own incapacity to share more than the tip of an iceberg of what I wish I could convey.
On Monday, I also received a review copy of Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?, I read it in less than 2 hours, and posted a short review. Ignacio was an old friend of David Ray Griffin, and reminded me that I should be working again on the next Film Festival and getting a new meeting spot. I just spoke with Ken Jenkins and it does look like we might have a good new location for the Oakland meetings and I am hoping he will be able to persuade David Ray Griffin to speak at the Film Festival.
June 25, 2009
Since the suicide of Sonya Raymakers, our whole family has been in disarray, as well as the Theater Department, the High School, the community... the larger world was already messed up...
Jeremy and I spent some time with Sonya's family and friends. Jeremy graduated from Gunn with many awards, but his whole class was shaken by the suicides of both Sonya and JP, who within a month of one another, deliberately ended their lives on the train tracks at the crossing nearest to our house, which we pass by nearly each day. Sonya was a gifted costume designer. She made her own clothes and her signature style included wearing a tape measure as a bowtie and lots of safety pins, which she could magically apply to solve any costume crisis. At graduation, kids wore safety pins, in her memory. Jeremy, also wore a chain, awarded to him and others on the Gunn Robotics Team.
I also prepared lots of food for the reception following Jeremy's Eagle Scout Ceremony on June 15th. Jules returned from college for the ceremony. Jean-Luc took two weeks off and after the ceremony, the whole family plus friends went to a beautiful cabin in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for a much needed vacation- swimming, kayaking, hiking, backpacking, feasting, playing. We just returned last night.
I haven't had time to read all 1000 emails that piled up in my IN box. I missed the last Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting and stopped working on the 9/11 Film Festival when we couldn't decide on a date.
Maria Gilardin, of TUC Radio, just posted two radio shows and a video of Stephen Zarlenga entitled Nationalize the Federal Reserve - Remove the Power of Banks to Create Money
Unfortunately, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance has lost its meeting place in Oakland and we have yet to decide on a new meeting place, so I'm unable to post details of our next meeting right now. I still have a million things to do- including laundry, feeding the family, replenishing our groceries...
June 3, 2009
My kids came down with the flu last week and I succumbed to it on Sunday. Unable to even read yesterday, I decided to watch a couple of films that I hadn't "had time" to see before. One of them was Nanking, inspired by Iris Chang's book The Rape of Nanking. The very well made documentary, winner of numerous awards, was also a heart rendering chronicling of the Japanese assault on Nanking in 1937. A handful of foreigners, bravely took it upon themselves to create a safety zone within the city for those in the hospital, those who couldn't leave, the poor. Although they couldn't save everyone, they saved thousands of lives, but witnessed innumerable atrocities. Their courage exacted a heavy toll, including the eventual suicide of Minnie Vautrin, an American missionary.
I was reading an article Historian Iris Chang won many battles - The war she lost raged within that appeared in the SF Chronicle years ago, detailing her suicide.
I've known too many beautiful, intelligent, young women who have wanted to or tried to commit suicide.
Then I got an email informing me of the death of a young, talented girl, a student at the local High School, a friend of my son, Jeremy. Jeremy was up until 5 am last night working on school projects.
The kids just came home. Sonya committed suicide on the train tracks last night. It is just heartbreaking.
May 29, 2009
I must admit that although I love my husband, the kids, life, my friends and family; I still "fall in love" again and again with my colleagues who continue to impress me with their heroic efforts to challenge the dominent paradigm. Anthony J. Hall (author of The American Empire and the Fourth World- The Bowl With One Spoon) just sent me a revised paper on his remarks at a recent public event in Canada entitled:
And I was also moved by a short interview that Alex Jones did with the late Aaron Russo where Aaron candidly speaks about how Rockefeller told him about the 9/11 Fraud months before it happened and what the general plans were. Aaron said the same thing to live audiences when he was premiering his film America: Freedom to Facsism. Although I disagreed and argued with Aaron on monetary reform, I have great respect for him, his courage, and his work. I'm very sorry that he is no longer with us.
May 27, 2009
My friend Evan Ravitz, the moving force behing the National Initiative for Democracy, who came up with the 9/11 Truth and Cookies idea just constructed a website called
Yesterday, I also was moved by an article by Tony Vigorito posted on Reality Sandwich entitled:
The article ends with these words...
"Courage is locating oneself in the heart rather than the head, and the expansiveness of the heart -- in contrast to the constriction of the ego -- this is love, and this is the space we truly share in common. Hammered out of boundaries and convinced it is alone, the ego can only blink stupidly at the grace, the immensity, and the magic of the heart's experience.
"Love, by the way, is not all hugs and backrubs. Primarily, I think, love is a prank. To borrow a theme I'm developing in my third novel: Love is a prank played on the ego by the spirit to teach the ego the one thing that it does not want to learn. In my own life, I've been scalded by love, and I've even been so tough boots as to believe that I needed to protect my heart. But as a result of my accidental contemplation of courage, I realized -- or I remembered -- that the heart is made of love, and love is indestructible, and only the cowardice of ego would presume that it requires protection. Actually, love is the only force capable of overcoming the ego, and so the ego would naturally like to avoid this prank, never having to learn to give up control. Courage is simply allowing this vulnerability, embracing the uncertainty, accepting that we may be hurt, yes, that it won't always be easy, and that not only can we take it, but that we actually have no idea how much we can take. In this "Age of Uncertainty," courage necessarily means being true to one's heart, stepping towards a future uncertain rather than securing oneself to a predictable past. Courage is without caution, it is passion, it is a fleeing from security and into synchronicity. A flower growing through a crack in a rock, courage abandons the familiar and secure shell which protects us -- and limits us -- and dares us to emerge, to grow, and to trust that life will nurture us despite its challenges.
"This expansion of consciousness is necessarily the reduction of ego, and is there anything more expansive than the feeling of love? It is not uncommon for lovers to recount the synchronicities of their meeting, to recognize a strangely inevitable magic in their rendezvous, and such magic is only the beginning, a dim glimmer of a spectacular sunrise, patient as we find our courage, tender as we surrender, daring us to give, to forgive, to reside more fully in our heart, to remember that we are never alone, and ultimately to realize that we are nothing if we are not servants to one another. It is love that erodes our ramparts, that relieves us of our armor, that tames the teeth protecting our trauma, and it is love that will heal us all the moment we have the courage to face the magic.
"This is what I believe more than anything, and this is what gives me hope.
"May you be ever overwhelmed by how many people you love."
May 25, Memorial Day
Last week, Paul and Liz (authors of Invisible History - Afghanistan's Untold Story spoke about Afghanistan and had basically three major policy recommendations:
I couldn't agree more and I deeply appreciated their work to cast light on the story of Afghanistan and the US's abysmal actions there over the past several decades.
On Thursday night, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance met and we voted $200 to support the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now's efforts to get an initiative on the November ballot. Richard Gage gave an update on the success of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth's activities, including the big AIA Conference in San Francisco and shared his public letter to AIA asking for their official support for petition to Congress to demand a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. Richard will be going to Australia in November and Japan in December. We all applauded his work and efforts.
I need to get to work on the 9/11 Film Festival which we will be holding on September 10th in Oakland at the Grand Lake Theater, but I have been very busy, myself on my other political work. On Saturday, I led a discussion after the film screening of The Monopoly Men in Fremont. It was well attended and a lively discussion followed. Afterwards I was invited to drop by the home of a 9/11 Truth activist/supporter who gave a generous unsolicited donation of $300 to the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. He also gave me some DVDs that I could table, including Occupation 101, an outstanding award winning documentary on the history of the occupation of Palestine, and Life in Occupied Palestine which is a DVD of a very compelling presentation by Anna Baltzer. I must admit that while I knew roughly that the situation in Palestine was bad; I wasn't aware of all the historical details or the more precise means by which the Israeli government, with the financial support of the American taxpayer, has been trying to rid the beautiful country of Palestine of its indigenous population.
I always wish that I could do more than I can in the course of every single day, but I think I will make more of an effort to speak out publicly on the unjust, illegal, immoral occupation of Palestine, and I'll try to get these documentaries on the local community access television stations.
On a brighter note, a friend lent me a set of 4 dvds called Crossing the Event Horizon featuring Nassim Haramein, an inspiring narration of his journey and insights moving us towards a more comprehensive "Unified Field Theory" which explains the phenomena of reality from the micro to the macro level. I think his work will help raise consciousness on many levels and has practical implications into solving the energy problem and recognizing the ancient wisdom that should help guide humanity's evolution, if we want to survive as a species.
I have been looking for and finally found Jim Tucker's report on the recent Bilderberg Meeting. I think it is a healthy sign that the UK press finally acknowledged the reality and the threat of the Bilderbergers, who can really only get away with their agenda, if people don't know what they are up to. Exposing the manipulations, criminality, collusion amongst those in the highest criminal class will undermine their power and help us overturn the most tyrannical structures of governance that are doing the most harm to the most people.
May 15, 2009
Last Monday, May, 11, 2009, Chuck and I both were in downtown Palo Alto with the Listening Project.
Janette and her son, on Mothers' Day, produced a very good video to help promote the New York Ballot Initiative-
Officially, the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission has stated in his new book that the government agreed to lie about 9/11. His new book, The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11 is supposed to be released in September. It makes me think of Cheney's belief, "You don't have to suppress the truth, just delay it until it doesn't matter." I hope that the information still might reach mainstream consciousness, before it is too late to get us off the warpath. Rick Rozoff warns "Pentagon Preparing For War With The Enemy: Russia while the banksters and Congress facilitate the looting of the country.
May 9, 2009, Mother's Day
I finally finished writing a review of the film-
May 6, 2009
Today, I received a link to articles written by EP Heidner - Collateral Damage (Part 2): The Subprime Crisis and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11 2001 and an earlier article entitled Collateral Damage U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11 2001. His thesis covers a lot of ground, including decades of criminal activity by the CIA/banking/political NEXUS that handled the loot from the Axis gold stashes in the aftermath of World War II (well chronicled in Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold by Peggy and Sterling Seagrave), and used it to install corrupt dictatorships throughout the world. The author speculates that the same players who used the loot to launch a financial attack on Russia, looting and privatizing that country are doing the same thing now to the US. He also believes that one of the main reasons for the 9/11 attacks was to destroy the documents, investigations, witnesses who might have uncovered aspects of the various crimes, as well as providing the opportunity to provide a cover for the injection of 240 billion into the US through the Bank of New York, in collusion with the Federal Reserve. Certainly, he points fingers at the major players who held key positions in crimes and the cover-ups, who bear more scrutiny.
Ironically Jay Rockefeller, spoke to one of the committees in Congress today, almost regretfully wishing that "there wasn't an internet" because of all the cyberattacks upon the US government..."The greatest threat to the nation..." I think "The Truth" is what they fear the most- being exposed for the criminals that they are- murderers, torturers, and robbers.
Ken Jenkins also wrote a good article entitled The Truth is Not Enough: How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth. I still run up against those barriers on a daily basis. It's a challenge to remember how difficult it is for people to have their comfortable worldviews shattered and how gentle and compassionate we need to be, if we are to empower people and not paralyze them with fear.
May 5, 2009
With multiple events happening simultaneously, I missed Steven Jones and Richard Gage's recent presentations. I did help pass out flyers, for Richard's presentation in San Francisco, at the AIA Convention, as it was breaking up. We were told, at some point, that we could not be within sight of the buildings or Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth would not be able to get a booth next year, basically violating our basic first amendment rights, as we were simply on the public sidewalks. It is amazing how limited our "free speech rights" are due to political/social pressure which views truth as "heresy" or a major "threat" to the system.
Saturday was a busy day for me. I baked a huge organic coconut cake for the Green Party "Spaghetti Dinner" (which I was originally asked to MC), and I went directly from San Francisco to the dinner with the cake/sound system/organic chocolate chip cookies/some tabling stuff still in my car. Knowing that I had to leave early, I didn't try to table for Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. I left at 7 pm to hear Stephen Zarlenga give his Monetary Seminar presentation in Palo Alto.
I am still in the process of writing a review on Stephen Zarlenga's excellent book- The Lost Science of Money- The Mythology of Money- The History of Power and a new film- Life on the Edge of a Bubble- Blowing the American Dream. They complement one another well, but I haven't had time to finish and post the review in a timely fashion, due to all the other demands on my time. We had invited both Stephen Zarlenga and Steve Walsh to spend the night Saturday, join us for a waffle breakfast on Sunday, before the San Francisco Monetary Seminar. My dearest friend, Maria Gilardin, who produces TUC Radio arrived Saturday to record Zarlenga's presentation and to interview him the next morning. Breakfast turned into brunch, and I went up to San Francisco to hear the presentation again, and spend more time with both Stephens. I do think Zarlenga has the best grasp of the history of money, the concept of money, a systemic solution to solve the current crisis. He is doing a great job to educate people through his book, seminars, writings, interviews, but I think the job of raising public conssciousness, generating/organizing enough pressure for change in policies and power holders, movement building requires the participation and involvement of a much larger number of people, groups, as well as approaches. I had spoken with him at length, over the phone before, and sent him a copy of Doing Democracy- The MAP Model for Organizing Social Movements, but he hadn't read it. He was pushing for people to send the American Monetary Institute's materials to their representatives. I suggested that he encourage people, who thought that their representatives were corrupt/criminal to run against them on a Monetary Reform platform to raise the issue and let people know what the monetary solution looks like.
Naomi Klein just did an interview noting that 'The Wall Street Bailout Is the Greatest Heist in Monetary History'. I think that is where 9/11 Truth and the Monetary issue overlap - breaking the American Myth about those running the country for private profit/power at the expense of most Americans/humanity. Teaching about money/economics was so hard in the 90's, but now with the crisis it is becoming obvious to most people, who are hungry for a solution. I guess Obama did say to the bankers "I'm Standing 'Between You and the Pitchforks", but he must be feeling pressure from behind, as well, or he wouldn't be shielding them, and rewarding them, and helping them pull off the heist.
At some point, I hope, we will be organized and powerful enough to have a real change in policies, power holders, and some accountability- not just a token jailed crook. If we don't have those changes, and they reinflate the bubble, the next crisis will be even worse. The Swine Flu Scare does not bode well for the lengths that the powers that be will go to stay in power.
April 27, 2009
I posted a short Report with a few photos on the End the Fed Rally in San Francisco, Saturday, April 25, 2009 on Indymedia. The guy from PBS was there again, filming, and interviewed me. He still hasn't done anything with the 9/11 materials that I gave him, but he is definitely on our side, and gets it, and up to date on the latest scientific findings by Steven Jones. This Tuesday, Joseph McCormick will be in San Francisco hosting a Transpartisan Leadership Potluck. Stephen Zarlenga will be coming this weekend to the Bay Area and I want to hear him on Saturday, and am wiggling out of being the MC for the Green Party Spaghetti Dinner/Benefit that night, but I have committed to bringing the sound system and dessert- I plan on making organic chocolate chip cookies (lots of them!) and a huge coconut cake. I want to leave by 7 pm, though for the Stephen Zarlenga Money Seminar at World Centric. I also have committed to helping pass out flyers for Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth on Saturday to the 24,000 architects leaving the Moscone Center in the afternoon. Richard will be giving a presentation at a nearby hotel at 4 pm. Steven Jones will also be in Sacramento and Davis, but I don't think I can make it to his presentation, too.
There is so much going on this week that deserves publicity and attention. I did a radio interview for KPFK last evening on the "Emerging Pandemic"- which I suspect is politically driven, as politicians get more and more desperate to scare the population into going along with their agenda, and avoiding serious jail time. Last night I was so busy, I even forgot to wash dishes before I had to pick up my husband and Jeremy from the airport. So now I'm under more pressure to clean the house, do laundry, shopping, cooking, gardening- and there isn't enough time to do the political work- though I am committed to tabling for the Green Party at Santa Clara State University on Wednesday (which is also my husband's birthday). Life is an endless balancing act.
An excellent article entitled Are Members of Congress (and Maybe Even the President) Being Blackmailed? hints at the fact that our supposed "elected officials" are controlled by fear and other forces, and are not necessarily serving the public interests. I do hope that there is an awakening soon, and that we can mitigate the fearful reaction of those wishing to maintain power, fearful of the backlash against them, should the truth about the many, many harmful deceptions and assaults upon the public be exposed to the light of day.
April 23, 2009
Yesterday, Earth Day, I tabled with Tian at San Jose State University. I had great conversations with people who enjoyed the Conception Dollars and were also still interested in the Deception Dollars. Life is more demanding than ever, and I still haven't figured out how to post all the events on this website. There are some which I cannot "legally" post, such as the Friendly Favors events, which are by invitation only and people are supposed to RSVP, but Tom Greco, author of many books on money (His latest is- End of Money and the Future of Civilization) will be speaking in Petaluma (May 5th - Tuesday, at 6:00 PM at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) - 101 San Antonio Rd. in Petaluma). Tom is an old friend of mine and let me know, if you want to be invited... Other friends will also be speaking at another Friendly Favors event on May 19th - Tuesday, at 6:00 PM. They also spoke at the SF International Inquiry into 9/11 about Afghanistan which has been their issue for decades... ELIZABETH GOULD & PAUL FITZGERALD - Veteran journalists and authors of: Invisible History - Afghanistan's Untold Story. They were the first American journalists in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion in the 70s.Their new book was published by City Light and they will also be speaking there in San Francisco on Thursday, May 21, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. and in Palo Alto on Wednesday, May 20th, at 7:30 P.M. at the Fellowship Hall, First Baptist Church, 305 N. California Avenue.
I need to work on a speech for the End the Fed Rally this Saturday in San Francisco and figure out logistics for those who want to come and volunteer. There are also lots of upcoming events/film showings on Money and Alternative Economics which I need to post on the website, as well as a gathering for the Transpartisan Alliance next Tuesday in San Francisco with Joseph McCormick. There are so many events happening this weekend, in addition to the rally. A friend of mine is organizing an event at SFSU- Facing Global Crises & Re-Inventing the World - An 'Open Space Conference' w/ Bay Area 'Thought Leaders’: Using this time of crisis as a window of opportunity… Awaking to a new world. Exploring Core Values & Issues, Transpartisan Thinking & Action Steps (Saturday, April 25, 9:30am-4pm, Jack Adams Hall, Student Center). I still haven't figured out how to be in more places than one simultaneously- always a challenge.
I have also neglected keeping up with all the important local and national developments in the 9/11 Truth Movement- at least on this blog. I was in Oakland for the last meeting where we did vote to support the NY Ballot Initiative and to work on what to do with the website. I volunteered to help pass out flyers on May 2nd when Richard will be giving a presentation in San Francisco and we hope to intercept the 24,000 architects who will be leaving the big AIA Conference at the Moscone Center. I also am supposed to make organic dessert for a Green Party dinner that night (and be Mistress of Ceremonies) and it is the one night Stephen Zarlenga of the American Monetary Institute, author of the excellent book- The Lost Science of Money- The Mythology of Money - The History of Power will be speaking in Palo Alto.
It is forever a challenge to balance my life- meet the family needs (and now the demands of the garden/plants), the organizations I'm involved with, the needs of more than one movement, and stay healthy (spiritually, mentally and physically).
April 12, 2009 - Easter Sunday
I don't think that I'll ever catch up with all the work I should do- on the website, my e-mail, my Christmas letters. I worked very hard on a few articles for the California Green Party newspaper and then caught the cold which everyone in my family has succumbed to that Jeremy brought home from his trip back east. I also had the bright idea of tabling organic seeds and seedlings for the Green Party and received a huge shipment of seeds. So I have been spending a lot of time planting seeds, preparing a garden and mixing soil, compost, mulch, and moving the seedlings into larger containers for us to table. I'm lucky to be able to keep up the calendar for the 9/11 events and get out the events list in a timely manner. Kai gave me a day's warning before our last meeting in San Francisco (I hadn't thought it would happen, but he secured the space, so I did announce it, although only half a dozen of us went, but we did have a good discussion- although no one kept notes and we didn't make any major decisions.)
Janette hosted Ted Walter, the Executive Director of New York City Ballot Initiative, the new mobilization to get more signatures on petitions, and legally mandate the formation of a new investigation with subpoena power to look into 9/11, (See last Thursday at her home. I meant to go, but I was too weak, coughing and sneezing, and didn't want to get everyone else sick. I'm sorry I missed meeting him, and hearing more details about the effort.
I did turn down a family trip to Southern California (to see more colleges for Jeremy and Daniel) in order to do my Listening Project on the 11th.
Chuck came and took a couple photos with his little cellphone. He was also a bit sick, and we both talked so much that we really wore out our voices. It was a gorgeous day and the table was very popular- we had a hard time leaving and stayed hours longer than usual because so many people wanted to speak with us.
This month there are many 9/11 events, but also a lot of other things going on- film screenings and rallies on money and abolishing the Federal Reserve, plus the Green Party has tabling opportunities around Earth Day on numerous campuses.
March 24, 2009
My kids have kept me busy the past couple of weeks, especially with their extra-curricular activities- the school musical and the Gunn Robotics Team's regional tournaments, plus all the scholarship/awards applications and organizing visits to prospective colleges and universities. Jeremy was accepted to Carnegie-Mellon (where Ken Jenkins graduated) and he took a red-eye flight there last night, accompanied by two of his friends from school who were also accepted there.
Last Friday, I took a break from baking for the kids to bake cookies for the anti-war rally. I couldn't load all the stuff I needed into my car, and was very glad that Camille agreed at Thursday's meeting to carry the bulk of the banners, signs, handouts to Justin Herman Plaza. Chuck carried the new awning. David volunteered to make 25 picket signs. Cosmos said he'd be at Justin Herman Plaza at 10:15 am with the great 9/11 Truth for Peace banner. Our biggest challenge was the less than favorable weather report. Camille took some great photos which inspired me to write a short report to post on and
It is still very painful for me to sit at the computer, so it is very hard for me to keep up the calendar, and process my email, let alone tackle more ambitious work such as long articles. It is heartening to see so much criticism surfacing in the mainstream press of the total criminality of the financial machinations that are being forced down everyone's throats. More and more people are hungrily awaiting alternatives to the dying system, which reminds me that I was supposed to come up with a workshop proposal yesterday for an October conference on The Economics of Peace- Transforming Money - Rebuilding Community - Redefining Wealth. I'm still drowning in work that needs to be done, and struggling to find my own balance and health. I missed the attempt to arrest Giuliani in San Jose today. Sleep, survival, and replenishing food and milk for my family took priority.
March 11, 2009
Illness, plus all the demands of the family, and endless meetings/work/phone calls have kept me too busy to keep up the website and the calendar. There are multiple efforts going on now to arrest people like Bush, Giulani, Rice. At our last Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting, Doug MacKenzie, a lawyer, came to lobby for our support. Logistically it is a challenge to catch these guys and do a citizen's arrest. I sent a letter to the multiple organizers working on arresting/challenging the most obvious war/9-11 criminals saying:
I just want to throw out an idea that we used in September 2004 in New York City where the Republicans were holding their convention, and in San Francisco where the 9/11 Commissioners were giving speeches. Our theme was "Blow the Whistle on the 9/11 Cover-Up! Blow the Whistle on Cheney!!!!" (See one of the ads we ran at & a video of some of the actions at )... We did pass out whistles and encouraged people to blow them, and to challenge the war criminals when they had the opportunity. We did have some impact- some media coverage, and I suspect the actions inspired some groups like We Are Change...
At a recent meeting, we discussed the challenges of trying to do a citizens' arrest in the enormity of the Cow Palace, and how hard it would be for people to "speak out and list the crimes of Rudy Giuliani." Whistles- especially very loud ones, convey a very strong message, I could see students wearing them on Stanford Campus and blowing them each time they see Rice... or whistles in a large crowd when these characters are speaking...
This might be a small meme, but I can see it spreading. One of my favorite encouraging lines for activists is- "If you think you are too small to be effective- you have never been in bed with a mosquito." Let us make it easy for many mosquitoes to swarm those criminals, to dissuade further criminality by those most visible in our societies...
Anthony Hall is working on a citizen's arrest of Bush ( ) along with a number of lawyers ( ) when Bush is scheduled to speak in Calgary on March 17th. 9/11 Truth activists, and lawyer Doug MacKenzie would like to do a citizens' arrest of Guiliani on March 24th when he is scheduled to speak in San Francisco as well as San Jose. Students, faculty and community members have been trying to prevent Condi Rice from returning to Stanford (however she is already back- right now she is scheduled to speak at a fundraising event this Friday the 13th- where people are asked $2500 per seat to attend ).
My kids are demanding much of my time these days as their theatrical production is opening this Friday and Jeremy's Robotic Team is participating in a regional match in San Jose beginning very early tomorrow morning. In addition to feeding my kids- I'm signed up to bring desserts for their big Gala, and have been bringing a ton of food to the 90 or so kids working on the show. Daniel just asked me to bring vegan food for the poor kids who won't be able to eat the big pizza dinner scheduled for tomorrow...
Today, between baking and delivering props to school, I also went to downtown Palo Alto for the monthly Listening Project/9-11 Truth Visibility Action. It was the first time I saw and was able to use the new banner-
At least one person told us that the banner induced him to stop, park his car, and come to our table- and it was because of the bold 9-11 TRUTH - not for the cookies (though he did try one!) Actually it was a beautiful, sunny, warm, day and there was a fairly good turnout of regulars, and lots of dialogues.
I'm still having trouble speaking with Blaine to iron out what to put on the next issue of the Deception Dollar and my "Perception Dollar"... everything takes time and I still can't accomplish more than 5% of what I'd like to do on any day.
February 23, 2009
I've been working on an article about the Denver Citizens' Summit which I hope to post tomorrow. I'm also working on a new Perception Dollar and Issue #11 of the Deception Dollar. I'd like to be able to get the art done and have them published in time for distribution before the next big anti-war rallies on March 21, 2009. I must admit, however, that I am deeply concerned by the increasing polarization that I see in the rhetoric on the internet. The right-wing is attacking Obama fiercely. I'm not a great fan, by any stretch of the imagination, of Obama nor Congress, nor the looting of the country with the bailouts and the latest stimulus bill. Obama is still using 9/11 as a pretext for war on Afghanistan and does not seem inclined to go after the truth in any significant way, nor end torture, renditions... At the same time, I don't want to heap more fuel on the right-wing's fire and I would like to be able to wake up the hard core Democrats who are also being mobilized to rush to Obama's support. My idea for issue #11 was a man holding an Obama Mask, flanked by Bush and Cheney in the background. I don't know if Blaine could pull that off, but a friend just sent me a link to Alex Jones' latest film which has a great graphic, which I've asked permission to use on our bill:
At last Thursday's meeting, there was a mixed reaction to my Deception Dollar idea from the group. Janette suggested making all of our 9/11 Truth graphics more attractive and even running with the "9/11 Truth and Cookies" banner idea that came out of the Denver Summit. (At the meeting, we also voted $300 for the graphics and freeway banner that Camille designed which includes the Obama, UFW (and Hitler's slogan) "Yes We Can!" + Investigate 9-11-01!
I was thinking of doing a Perception or Transpartisan Dollar to emphasize or point towards solutions, but I got a "red light" on the "Transpartisan Idea" and I must say it is hard to find good solution/positive/inspiring websites- especially ones that are not polarizing. It does feel like the country is being set up for civil war and martial law. I do think that we need the transpartisan tools/ideas/processes urgently to get us through the coming upheavals.
February 6, 2009
Cooking for all the hungry teenagers on my son's robotics team made it impossible for me to attend Richard Gage's well attended talk/luncheon in Marin last Friday. That evening Loose Change Final Cut premiered with a new improved soundtrack and Dylan Avery and 200 people attended, which filled the room. Despite lots of chatter/discussion on the email list from armchair experts, only half a dozen people attended last night's Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting, so we never came up with an agenda or voted on topics raised, because no one who cared particularly about those topics actually came to the meeting. We did have an intense discussion however, and Chuck and I didn't leave San Francisco until 11 pm. Scott, a new member, who has lots of experience in communications, fund raising and is enthused about working on the 9/11 Film Festival which we voted to have this year, came to the meeting. Last year, it felt like I did much of the Film Festival work and got a lot of flak for my "decision making" efforts, and I must admit I was feeling discouraged about moving forward without anyone else volunteering or interested in helping (besides Ken Jenkins who didn't support any of my ideas for improving the Film Festival). I'll try to get together with Scott when we return from Colorado to move forward with the event.
Much of our discussion was about assessing the current situation and questioning outreach strategies and our goals under a new administration, and acknowledging the new focus of people's attention on the unfolding economic crisis. I have been reading, watching films, talking with people about the monetary crisis and possible reforms/solutions, but have yet to write any decent reviews or articles on the subject. I'm experiencing "writers block" and can't even find the energy to finish and get out my annual Christmas newsletter. My husband, the kids and I have also been sick which is another excuse for not writing, that and the sharp pain in my lower back every time I sit at the computer.
What do you think/feel about the events of September 11th
and the U.S. government's response?
How could we defuse terrorism?"
How could we create a safer/better world for our children
and all children?
Dwayne was a Peace Corps volunteer in the slums of Mumbai, India, on the startup team of the California Conservation Corps, selected to Who's Who in California, a partner on the Recycled Building Company, one of six founding members of the SunTrain Inc., and has worked on over four Habitat building projects. He is currently working on legislation creating an American World Service Corps and a proposal to Return to Fair Tax Brackets, which address some of the major problems we face today.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
This website is in the process of being updated, and I've been posting the latest events on the NEW WEBSITE which is still under construction.
Public Access Channel 29, San Francisco-
Radio Programs:
KALW 91.7
Carol Brouillet hosted a weekly two hour radio show, entitled
Bay Area 9-11 Events
Since October 2001, every Wednesday, except when it is
raining; I have set up tables, banners, chairs, food,
educational material, and created a space for public
dialogue on key issues. Beginning in November 2007, I am doing this on a monthly basis, on the 11th of every month. We ask the public three questions
and write down their responses-
Sponsored by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance All welcome.
more information call Carol Brouillet 650-857-0927.
Thursday, November 18, 2010, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
We will be having a potluck prior to the meeting with Dwayne Hunn, PhD., MA, Executive Director of Peoples Lobby, author of Ordinary People Doing the Extraordinary: The Story of Ed and Joyce Koupal and the Initiative Process, about his mentors and founders of People's Lobby (PLI). In the ‘70’s, PLI used the initiative process to solve problems, qualifying two clean environment initiatives and then passing the Political Reform Act with 70% of the vote to establish California's Fair Political Practices Commission. PLI also directed the 18 states Western Bloc Safe Energy Campaigns and organized three days of Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings on establishing a National Initiative Process.
Bay Area 9-11 Television and Radio Programs
Television Programs:
Fridays 8:00 pm"9-11 Cover-Up!"
Guns and Butter- 1:00- 2:00 PM Wednesdays, KPFA 94.1 FM
TUC Radio- 8:00- 8:30 PM Thursdays
on We The People Radio Network from April 2007- September 2008.
Past 2008 shows and 2007 shows are archived.
Every Thursday, 5- 6 pm EST, 2-3 pm PST
Hosted by Carol Brouillet
The Center for Research on Globalisation-
Jim Hoffman's 9-11 Review Site
Journal of 9/11 Studies
Our own, Richard Gage, AIA, has started-
The group who began the Petition to the Senate to Investigate the Oddities Involving 9/11 Terrorist Attacks has this websites-
The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance-
True Memes- Developed by our local architect, Chuck Thurston- includes a great slide show entitled "Helpful Hints for Understanding What Happened on 9/11"
Questions, Questions...A review of alternative theories on current events
An excellent website which I've actually posted on my site is Malcontent X's-
Guns & Butter- The Economics of Politics (cd's and radio interviews with Mike Ruppert)
George Washington's Blog... Generally insightful, current commentary on the unfolding issues of these times
9/11: Speak Out compiled by David Chandler... very compelling
911 Bunker... created by an artist/musician in our local group
From the Wilderness (Mike Ruppert's Website)-
Al Martin Raw - Not just 9-11, but some excellent essays which place 9-11 in the larger context by Al Martin
Dave Ratcliffe's 9-11 pages, "Crimes Against Humanity"
Online Journal
Here in Reality (Has a great downloadable flyer posted on this site.)
What Really Happened?
Sampling Of Letters Showing Decades Of Cover-Ups and Obstruction Of Justice and Other Misconduct By Members of Congress, Justice Department Personnel and Federal Judges
The Center for Cooperative Research has developed an awesome "Complete 9/11 Timeline"
The War on Terror by This is The Real Truth Network (British site)
Joyce Lynn's website
World Trade Center Building 7
9-11 Truth Alliance
9-11 Visibility Project
MUJCA-NET: Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth
Citizens for Impeaching Bush
Propaganda Matrix
Other members of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance have these websites:
Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil & Drugs)
The Need to Remember
Ed Rippy's Website
Last, but not least- (not that I am crazy about all the links he has, but it is comprehensive and tries to keep up with all the latest news)
9-11- Books, Videos, the Growing movement for Truth and Accountability July 8, 2010
David Chandler has done a number of excellent short films challenging the NISt Report
WTC 7 - Sound Evidence for Explosives
9/9/2007 United for Truth March in Brussel (available in multiple languages)
The Third Stage
9/11 and American Empire- Intellectuals Speak Out
9/11 Vendetta, Past, Present and Future
9/11 Press for Truth
Improbable Collapse
9-11 Mysteries
9-11 The Myth and the Reality
9/11 False Flag- (In German) Created by This documentary is viewable with English subtitles. A very good film made for the people of Germany. Check out the interview with the film maker at the website, too.
What's the Truth? How Indeed Did The Twin Towers Collapse?
Scientists Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan together-
9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions
Professor Steven E. Jones - produced by hummux from the February 1, 2006 lecture at UVSC.
A New Standard for Deception
Kevin Ryan - produced by Josh Harvey from the presentation in Chicago, May 2006
911 Dust and Deceit at the WTC
Oil, Smoke & Mirrors - There is no war on terror
produced by Irish filmmaker Ronan Doyle 2006
Great Deception- What Really happened on 9-11? by Barrie Zwicker, aired by Vision TV in Canada
The Great Conspiracy- The 9-11 News Story You Never Saw
Including Presentations by: Paul Thompson, Webster G. Tarpley and Dr. Robert Bowman at the International Citizens' Inquiry into 9/11
Celsius 9-11, by Jeremy Wright,
Mainly footage from the Toronto Inquiry with a few highlights from the San Francisco Inquiry
David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, speaking in Santa Rosa October 2004, produced by Ken Jenkins.
David Ray Griffin, author of The 9-11 Report- Ommissions and Distortions, presentation in Madison, Wisconsin on April 18th, 2005
Behind Every Terrorist - There is a Bush 60 minutes, produced by the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance.
View all three parts at:
The music/comedy (Benefit for the SF Int'l Inquiry into 9/11)
The documentary of the SF Int'l Inquiry at
The testimony of David Ray Griffin at the Black Congressional Caucus-
The Truth and Lies of 9-11 with Mike Ruppert (140 minutes)
Unedited three hour June 10, 2002, Washington D.C.,
9-11 and the Public Safety Press Conference
Our Own Priv@te Bin Laden, a film by Samira Goetschel
Guerrilla News Network: War on Terrorism
Snowshoe Documentary Films: for social and economic justice
Featuring Michel Chossudovsky and Barry Zwicker
Bush at the Elementary School on September 11, 2001,showing his reaction and non-reaction to the news of the second attack...
9-11- The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, by Alex Jones
Liberty Bound, by Blue Moose Films
Online videos from the International Inquiry into 9-11, by Steve Cassily
The Yirmeyahureview
Excellent collection of videos at-
The Power of Nightmares
Excellent BBC Documentary,carefully researched and well-vetted examination of the "War on Terrorism" scam that is being sold, while not specifically 9-11- this is excellent contextural background on the psychological warfare being exercised against Americans and the world.
The Truth About 9-11 with Carol Brouillet
Flash Movie-Pentagon Strike
" 9/11: The Great Illusion - End Game of the Illuminati, Our Choice: Fear or Love?" by George Humphrey
From Freedom to Fascism
From the History Channel- Link to online clip
Posted on Indymedia- following- Reichstag Fire TV show, Hitlers 9/11 Fake terror to grab control
Here is a clip from the BBC which you can watch online:
Here is a link to an article with another online clip:
Nightline Show on "The War on Terror and the Caspian Sea Oil Interests"
Brothers and Others- The Impact of 9-11 on Arabs, Muslims and South-East Asians in America
This links to a clip from the film-
Dutch Documentary- Exposed - The Carlyle Group
Part One through Eight- Expert Testimony by William Schaap on the FBI and CIA's control over the media and how it has been used to manipulate the public and crush dissent
Transcript: (scroll down to approx. 3/4 down page)
In this 8-part series Dr. William F. Pepper leads the co-publisher of Covert Action Quarterly, William Schaap, through a history of US Government Approved disinformation, beginning with examples in WWI and then WWII, when things really began to take off. The techniques of disinformation that the government employed during war-time were carried over into peace-time under the aegis of the Cold War. Schaap sites specific examples of CIA and FBI disinformation, concluding with Hoover's FBI attacks on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 (due to tape changes, some footage is lost in this section, please refer to transcript)
Part 7
Part 8
9-11 Flash Movie and short videos inspired by the book- Painful Questions
Loose Change- Final Cut
This is an excellent documentary which has solid, honest information. (We premiered it in Oakland and San Francisco in December 2007 with the film makers.)
Narrative Films
These films are not documentaries, but they have the potential to reach people who want to see a good film, but wouldn't watch a "dry, informational documentary." These are the good ones, worth watching, which are based on the facts that the Truth Movement has unearthed. (There are, unfortunately some awful movies out there, too- slick, and designed to sell the official myth.)
The Reflecting Pool
Able Danger- The Movie
(My Review )
Who Killed John O'Neill?
From April 2007- September 2008, Carol Brouillet hosted a weekly radio show, entitled
The Meria Heller Show
TUC Radio- Time of Rising Consciousness- Maria Gilardin
Includes the conference tapes from the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, and the produced radio shows. (Including a new program from Mike Ruppert's speech at the Commonwealth Club).
"Guns & Butter" investigates the relationships among capitalism, militarism and politics
Streaming Internet produced in England by Thought Crime News
Streaming audio- 9-11 series with presenters from the Toronto International Citizens' Inquiry
Carol Brouillet and Abel Ashes (who was fired for distributing 9-11 materials at work)
Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone
Steppin out of Babylon with Sue Supriano
(October 1, 2007- My apologies for not updating this sooner, excellent books have come out, faster than I have been able to review them.)
The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7-
Why the Final Official Report about 9/11 is Unscientific and False
by David Ray Griffin, Interlink Publishers
Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?
by David Ray Grifin, Interlink Publishers
The New Pearl Harbor Revisited, 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé
by David Ray Griffin, Interlink Publishers
9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press
by David Ray Griffin, Interlink Publishers
The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America
by Mark Gaffney, Trine Day Press
The Road to 9/11
Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America, by Peter Dale Scott University of California Press
Debunking 9/11 Debunking
An Answer to Popular Mechanics and the Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory
by David Ray Griffin, Interlink Publishers
Towers of Deception
The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, by Barrie Zwicker, New Society Publishers
9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out, Edited by David Ray Griffin and Peter Dale Scott, Interlink
Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action, by David Ray Griffin,
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, by David Ray Griffin, Olive Branch Press9-11 Synthetic Terror- Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, published by Progressive Press
The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation, and the Anatomy of Terrorism, by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
Crossing the Rubicon-The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil, by Michael C. Ruppert, published by New Society Publishers
The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute , by Paul Thompson, published by Harper Collins
The War on Freedom- How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001, by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
America's War on Terrorism In the Wake of 9/11, by Michel Chossudovsky
The New Pearl Harbor, by David Griffin
True Lies, Anthony Lappé and Stephen Marshall with additional reporting from Ian Inaba9/11: The Greatest Crime of All Time, the Best of Global Outlook
by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
The Big Wedding: 9/11, the Whistle-Blowers and the Cover-Up, by Sander Hicks, Long Island Press
" 9/11" Facing our Fascist State, by Don Paul
Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie, by Kevin Barrett
Pentagate, by Thierry Meyssan
Order Out of Chaos: Elite Sponsored Terrorism and the New World Order, Paul Watson
Alice and Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster- Why the official story of 9-11 is a monmental lie, by David Icke
Everything You Know Is Wrong- The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies, Edited by Russ Kick
Painful Questions- An Analysis of the September 11th Attack, by Eric Hufschmid
America's Autopsy Report, by John Kaminski (a collection of essays...)
NBC Spins 9-11 by George Trinkaus
Global Outlook, Premier issue "Stop the War"- The Truth Behind September 11, 2002
Global Outlook No.2, September 11: Foreknowledge or Deception? Stop the Nuclear Threat, Summer 2002
Global Outlook No. 3, Reversing the Tide of War, Winter 2003
ADDICTED TO WAR- Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism, by Joel Andreas
Including New Chapter- The War on Terrorism
The Shell Game
by Steve Alten (Although a work of fiction, the book raises important issues and draws attention to the work of Griffin, Ruppert and the 9/11 Truth Movement, in general. If the book makes it to the top seller list, the author could bring 9/11 Truth to the national discussion. It's a good read. My Review is posted here.)
The American Truth, by Nick Shelton,
Take Back The Media - The Protest the Media Missed- featuring 9-11 Deception Dollars- Cheney, Bush, Powell..
Theatrical Review- "9-11," NEW DRAMA, OPENS OFF-BROADWAY
BBC's 'Doctor Who' Show Parodies 9/11 Inside Job : CLIPS
Swami Beyondananda-
Perfect blend of humor and wisdom
The Ronald Reagan Home for the Criminally insane
Terror Advisory Map
Introducing the New Penta-Lawn 2000!
Sequel-Pentanium Cable Spools!
Too Stupid to be President
The Whitehouse Newsroom- delicious satire...
The White House- Official Satire
Amazing Art!
Deception Dollars (Also known as Fraudulent Event Notes or Bush Bucks)
Buttons, Bumper Stickers-
Bush Not a Nazi?
Bush Knew - An American Requiem
Buddy, Buddy
Flash Animation on the Collapse of the Towers
"Intro to 9-11" slideshow compiled by New York 9-11 activist, Les Jamieson
Great 1-page leaflet- by Malcontent X
Joyce Lynn's diagram of the conflicts of interests/links of the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission
A good tri-fold- downloadable flyer- "Why did it Happen? Things we need to know about 9-11.
Paris "What Would You Do?" song on 9-11
partial lyrics:
The album- Sonic Jihad which contains this song is finally out at Paris's website
Michael Kane's song "Buddy, buddy..."
Great Flash animation with music looking at U.S./C.I.A./military complicity in 9-11
9/11 Truth Rap Views by August Bullock
Reichstag Fire by David Rovics
The planes hit New York City
And thousands now are dead
"It was Arab terrorists"
This is what you said
Well if that is the truth
Then what have you got to hide
And what were you doing
On the day all those people died
Where the fuck were the fighter jets
Ordered by the FAA
And what is your explanation
For what you were heard to say
When you told the Air Force to stand down
Not to intercept
Did you plan to let it happen
Or are you just inept
I am left to wonder
As the flames are reaching higher
Was this our latest Lusitannia
Or another Reichstag Fire
There's some distressing information, sir
Which I think should be explained
Just which things have been lost
And just what has been gained
Like the thousands of put options
Bought days before the crash
If the money were collected
It would make quite a pretty stash
And the only stocks they bought
Were American and United
Deutsche Bank knows the answer
But the names have not been sighted
And is it just coincidence
That this firm in the private sector
Was once run by "Buzzy" Krongard
Ex-CIA Director
There's something fishy in Virginia
And I want an explanation
Why did they get the contract
What is Britannia Aviation
A one-man operation
Corporation with no history
He said he worked in Florida
But there he was a mystery
So is there a connection
I think it bears investigation
When the FAA found boxcutters
Does this cause you consternation
Hidden behind the seats
In these Delta planes
That had been fixed in Lynchburg
With Brittania at the reigns
You said Bin Laden was your friend
But he isn't anymore
Now that he's not fighting Russia
In your proxy war
Who called the FBI
Off the Bin Laden family trail
When so many times you had the chance
To re-write this sordid tale
Sudan in '96
The Taleban in 2001
Offered to turn him over
And right then you coulda won
But perhaps it is the case
That you're avoiding victory
That to justify your exploits
You must have an enemy
If you were not hiding from the truth
Then you'd have a truth commission
And not some masquerade
Kangaroo investigation
Hiring Henry Kissinger
The ancient master of deceit
To make sure all stones are left unturned
And the ruse is kept complete
And now you carry out your plans
Which you have had for decades
Conquering the world
With your troops and bombing raids
I see an evil regime
Led by an evil man
On Pennsylvania Avenue
Where this evil war began...
"The New Pearl Harbor" copyleft 2004 John Kellermann
New Pearl Harbor version 1.32
If you get your views from television news,
You'll only hear stories that corporations choose.
You'll only get to see what they want you see.
You're gonna have to read and decide what you believe.
We all watched in horror: nine - one - one.
The planes hit the towers and the towers came down.
Did you ever wonder how they fell so fast?
Well, maybe that's a question that we're not supposed to ask.
Don't you think it's strange there were no fighter jets?
Did someone give the order not to intercept?
And if they really scrambled, then why'd they fly so slow?
Maybe there's an answer that we don't want to know.
And where was our president, George W, that fool?
He was visiting with children at an elementary school.
And when he heard the news, he didn't seem concerned.
He just calmly read a picture book while all those people burned.
The Bushes and Bin Ladens, now what's that all about?
While all of us were grounded, they flew his family out.
Osama got his training from the CIA.
Our soldiers took Afganistan, they let him slip away.
A new Pearl Harbor was their big chance
To launch two wars that they'd planned in advance.
Now we know they lied about weapons in Iraq.
Did they allow the 9 eleven attack?
If you get your views from television news,
You'll only hear stories that corporations choose.
You'll only get to see what they want you see.
You're gonna have to read and decide what you believe.
Based on "The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions
About the Bush Administration and 9/11"
by David Ray Griffin (Available from this webpage-
9/11 was an Inside Job (Les Visible )
9/11 was an inside job
God save us once again
from the ruthless engines of evil men
I don't live in London I can't see the queen
Doing Lady Macbeth to keep her hands clean
I'm not a reptile with an uncle named Bob
but I know 9/11 was an inside job
I know 9/11 was an inside
you can't find your way if you don't have light
every ship of state sails on an ocean of night
every government has a dark underside
and the men at the top came along for the ride
back in the back far out of view
is where they make the plans for what they do
it's a hard hard way on a hard hard line
yeah you better get yours cause I got mine
Americas heart is growing cold
millions in prison no respect for the old
There are no weapons of mass destruction
except in the white house where're they're under construction
God spare us all this time again
from the ruthless engines of evil men
You look at the details the picture is clear
want to increase the power, so they increase the fear
well I'm not a reptile with an uncle named Bob
But I know 9/11 was an inside job
yeah I know 9/11 was an inside job
Yes 9/11 was a Reichstag fire
It's new and improved from the born again liar
every time you look something new disappears
if you're lookin for the truth well you can't look here
When God comes to wake you there's a gentle touch
then he shakes you harder if harder he must
If you don't wake up then Katie bar the door
Cause this time God has got a two by four
You're stoned and you're drunk, overweight and vain
your materialism has made you insane
you see Al Qaeda everywhere but you don't see
that the orders come from London and Washington D.C.
God spare us all this time again
from the ruthless engines of evil men
I don't live in London I can't see the queen
Doing Lady Macbeth to keep her hands clean
and I'm not a lizard with an uncle named Bob
but I know 9/11 was an inside job
I know 9/11 was an inside
(©2003 BMI)
Story behind this song: My girlfriend said to me, "You know, that's not a very commercial title for an album and I said, "It's not about the money, not that anyone seems to want to give me any. Somebody has to say something EVEN IF- very few people hear it... This album is dedicated to the memory of Senator Paul Wellstone.
We Are Together by Quebb
We Are Together
Music and Lyrics by John
You see a division.
You hold the line.
You see disease in our invention
But you say we’re doing fine.
You see the ruins.
You tie the bind
You see the ease of resignation
To the automated mind.
We are together now.
We are in deep.
We are together now.
We are the covenants we keep.
We are together now.
We are in deep.
We are together now.
We are the covenants we keep.
Go tell the soldier.
Go tell the farmer.
Go tell the poet and the Pilate
The myth of our armor.
Go tell the seers.
Go tell the blind.
Go warn the rich man and the poor man
Of the automated mind. (Chorus)
You see dissension.
You hold your own.
You see the crystal night unfolding
And you say we are alone.
You see them gather.
You stand behind.
You hear the calling of the common
To the automated mind. (Chorus)
Go tell the powers
Go tell the small.
Go tell the prophets and the preachers
Of the oneness of it all.
Go tell the fury.
Go tell the kind.
Go tell the stubborn and the stranger
Of the automated mind. (Chorus)
Tag everything - 9?11 stickers, graffiti, deception dollars in grocery store bananas or: with waitress tips, hang on bulletin boards, leave in toilet stalls, put in shirt pockets in department store clothing; in general fold em up so they look like lost money, or place face up for full affect. Always, Always, have 9/11 goodies on you (cargo pants work great!) Deception dollars are at
Be artsy - I.E. Boston Tea Party, or T.V. Head (TV Head created a box with a cutout for a tv screen-face and goes around flanked by two people who pass out flyers)
Have your favorite websites put onto a self inking rubber stamp - tag everything - sadly, we've even heard some people stamp dollar bills
Wear buttons (one favorite is "Ask me about 9/11")
Bed sheet signs - they are large, and can be coupled together for even larger signs Wash. D.C. Scoundrels Revealed: See: (your favorite website)
Chalk on sidewalks - ahh, culture jamming
Smaller can be better - 9?11 = brief & eye catching. Catchy phrases- 5 - 6 words I.E. "Washington Politics Unmasked at: (your favorite website)”, “Washington Insiders Revealed at:”
We can't get mainstream media on board, but we can get the lower echelon media employees on board - same goes for Congressional staff/interns (come in the back door as necessary)
Visit Cosmos and Luke at for notices of monthly action campaigns (always occurring on the 11th of each month - also post your events there
Visit for monthly action campaigns
Seek out and utilize existing resources when available - (don't reinvent the wheel) however, this is a call out to all artists of all mediums for their gift to flourish in forms revealing 9/11 Truth - which means, embrace the art community
Purchase a media list - better yet, if you have one, please share it
Make little creative boxes to house a variety of DVDs, make a sign for the box AFree 3 day 9?11 Documentary Rental@ - give boxes to coffee shops, bookstores, head shops, mom&pops. An auto repair office box says A one free conspiracy theory with each auto repair A Check out the for inexpensive DVDs and more ideas
Download videos of WTC7's collapse onto your computer and show them to all - you just never know who might be receptive. A laptop's portability aids wonderfully. Videos available from,, Download "Pentagon Strike" for ditto affect
Old African proverb- "Many spider webs can bring down an elephant."
If you host a website, post this page. Maybe call it A101 ideas to Market 9/11"
Make DVD donations to Public Libraries
Make friends with the person who does your reprographics and provides office supplies (discounts are nice)
Request: Can someone put together a False Flag DVD [Right now Alex Jones' Terrorstorm covers a lot of the history of false flag operations] (or) see - Can someone assist with subtitling DVDs
Put up a Kiosk at High School sporting events: Literature lands on dinning room table for Mom and Dad to see - double whammy
Have a pillow fight
Write letters to the Editor
Put ads in under the help wanted section of newspapers: AWanted - People who want the truth about 9/11 - contact: (your favorite website and/or email)
Continually ask yourself, "How can I be doing this better?", - How can I be more efficient?" - and - send your ideas to clearup911@yahoo so I can send out marketing updates - email me with subject line "updates" if you want to receive updates.
Try and get past the gates of wikipedia - persistence required. Alternative site that is in its infancy stage is
Lobby leftist/progressive/religious publications to cover us (Mother Jones, America Prospect, Harpers, Namaste, etc.)
Tap into the Zine community
Go to college/university websites, send emails to professors in Political Science, Science Depts., etc. Subject line could be A100+ eminent academics support 911 Truth, see
P.S. I'll never set foot in a high rise again, after all, building 7's sprinklers couldn't put out minor fires, and it fell down like artistry
The truth can make you feel small and powerless - be empowered - an insider told me, hey, we're just waiting for critical mass
Artists: Add comedy to express message - short vignettes
Ask others for ideas on how to spread the 9/11 message
Buy PSA's from Alternative Media
Utilize public access TV (
Send certified mail to representatives - then make follow up call - best to send to local State & Federal Offices as DVDs can be ruined if sent to D.C.
Get a copy of the comic book Addicted to War
Lobby the following to make 9/11 Truth more prominent to the public: AK Press,,, Howard Stern
Do group street corner gatherings - same day, same time, regularly - add art for effect
Tailor your message to the audience - sometimes less is more. Limit message as necessary - three strong points is a minimum
Words and symbols change people=s perception (Miss, Mrs.- Ms.) (She/He - Se) (say nine eleven, not nine one one - the emergency number) (write 9/11 or 9-11, not 911)
Give presentations to, and network with other groups. Some to consider are:
Senior Centers. Seniors have spare time and often are influential in their community.
Churches. Most churches have men's and women's groups which meet regularly.
Veterans or active military: VFW Posts, military recruiters, National Guard headquarters.
Business affiliations: Professional or trade
To members of, Democratic, Republican, Green Party, University/Campus clubs, Peace and Justice Groups, Code Pink
NAACP, Hispanic community (the immigration issue produced a massive turnout = organization)
Alternative Radio, editorial/news staff of local publishers or radio stations
Minorities/Gay community: you might surmise they are already up to learning more about the absurdities of humankind
Network with: World Peace Week: Guy Fawkes Day - Vets Day
July 4th Annual Rainbow Gathering
Impeachment movement
Burning Man gathering
New York first responders (See DVD 9/11 Dust & Deceit)
New York Custodians Union (they helped clean up the mess)
Have at home group and/or public documentary viewings
Purchase billboard display advertising - perhaps along Interstate/Freeways. The sign might say: America, for 9/11 Truth, visit: (your favorite website) or, WTC7- The 9/11 Smoking Gun, see Remember, you have no more than 8 seconds to get your message across
Purchase 9/11 videos and books for handouts or mail them to influential people. 9/11 DVDs can be found at DVDs can be downloaded at
Encourage your congress people to speak out and their names will enter the annals of history
To utilize encryption in emails, see
When talking 9/11, point out the obvious absurdities (planes flew around in D.C. for two hours and hit the most well guarded building in the world) (Gov't has lied about everything else, why not this!) (Bin Laden is not wanted for 9/11 by the FBI) (People were arrested for picking up Space Shuttle remains, how did people get away with picking up scraps at the Pentagon) (First Responders were hailed as heroes by our government, but in reality, they were sadly disposable- (How would CSI have handled the crime scenes) (Reference Bldg. 7 to a building in your town, and ask your neighbor to imagine its collapse without the general public knowing about it- if you only have nine-story building, then ask the person to imagine one 6 times taller) The amalgam of the official story is, well, lets say it, absurd Put a "TV is Poison" bumper sticker on
Thanks to the wonderful 2007 Feb 23rd Arizona 9/11 Accountability Conference attendees for providing the above inspirations. Please forward this info to all concerned. Thanks
P.S. Follow Enrique's advice - Wake up each morning, do a little stretch, three slow deep breaths, feel the comfort, and say "Ahh, Today is a perfect day", and if you forget to say it, then say it as soon as you remember...
4 Articles in a series by Kevin Ryan which look at who could have been involved in a controlled demolition of the WTC buildings
Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part One - Tenants
Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part Two - SecurityCarlyle, Kissinger, SAIC and Halliburton: A 9/11 Convergence: Part Three
Demolition Access to the WTC Towers: Part Four - Cleanup
2009 Articles
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal Volume 2, pp.7-31 Authors: Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen,
Controlled Demolition at the WTC: an Historical Examination of the Case" by Dr. Frank Legge (Ph.D., Chemistry)
Published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies, May 2009
August 2007 Article
Paper on Air Defense Response- Excellent summation/clarification of Hordon's work with additional key points
February 2007 Article-
Neocon Imperialism, 9/11, and the Attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, By David Ray Griffin, February 27, 2007
October 2005 Articles-
Participants in the Cover-Up of 9/11:
The Case of American and United Airlines, Elias Davidsson,
8 November 2004 (corrected on 4 May 2005, edited 8. Oct. 2005)
Ali Mohammed
Theologian Says Controlled Demolition of WTC Is Now a Fact, Not a Theory, by Kevin Barrett, October 2005
Significant Pattern to 9/11 Report's Omissions & Distortions, by Dr. David Ray Griffin
July 2005 Articles-
The London Explosions,The Rogue Network, Bush, And Iran, By Webster Griffin Tarpley,
July 11, 2005
Why the Road to 9-11 Truth Passes through London, George Washington, July 8, 2005
June 2005 Articles
US Officials Meet with Terrorists, by Igor Abrosimov,
June 25, 2005
Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
Attack Was 'Coup de'tat,' Buildings Were Demolished By Controlled Demolitions, by Prison Planet, June 27, 2005
"What if Everything You Know about 9/11 is Wrong?"
An Interview with David Ray Griffin
by Bruce David and Carolyn Sinclair
Hustler magazine, August 2005 (currently available-June)
Emergency Preparedness against the "Universal Adversary," by Michel Chossudovsky, June 5, 2005
March 2005 articles
Threshold Fears and Unanswered Questions About 9/11, by Peter Phillips, March 6, 2005
"I Made a Promise"
The Journey of a Wall Street Whistleblower, by Michael Kane, March 2005
Crossing the Rubicon-
Simplifying the Case against Dick Cheney, by Michael Kane, January 18, 2005
Prior to the 2004 'Election""
"Intelligence Asset" Osama bin Laden supports Bush Reelection, by Michel Chossudovsky, Halloween, October 31, 2004
"Black box" cover-up alleged at WTC, by Will Bunch, October 27, 2004
The Bush Crime Family: Four Generations
of Wall Street War-Making and War-Profiteering, by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, August, 2004
Behind the Israeli Mole Affair:
Point of Maximum Danger of War with Iran Approaching, by Webster Griffin Tarpley, August 30, 2004
Assembling and The Legend of 9/11
by Chaim Kupferberg, 21 October 2003
Regime Rotation in America-
Wesley Clark, Osama bin Laden and the 2004 Presidential Elections by Michel Chossudovsky, 22 October 2003
My articles on 9/11 and organizing-
An Excellent Examination of Legal Strategy in Challenging the Powers that Be-
Justice and 9-11, by D. Alexander Floum, Online Journal, January 28, 2005
Very good Overview
Smoking Gun -The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush, by Cheryl Seal, June 2, 2002
The Enemy Within
by Gore Vidal, 10/27/2002 London, Observer
Paul Thompson's important finds
Alhazmi and Almihdhar: The 9/11 Hijackers Who Should Have Been Caught, by Paul Thompson, September 30, 2002
Sept. 11's Smoking Gun: The Many Faces of Saeed Sheikh
His actions prove the involvement of Pakistan's secret service in the Sept. 11th attacks, and suggest a possible C.I.A. role, as well. By Paul Thompson, September 4, 2002
Secret Hearings Conceal 9/11 Terrorist Links to Congress & White House, by Tom Flocco, August 7, 2002
The final dots Pt.2 -Top 20 LIHOP(Let It Happen On Purpose)- Suspects?, August 11, 2002
Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11, by Michel Chossudovsky, June 20, 2002
Here are links to outstanding articles by Larry Chin- two on Enron and 9-11, and a five part series, on the latest twist on the "war on terrorism- the move against Iraq"
The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection? Ron Callari, Albion Monitor, February 28, 2002
Did Bush Know? :: Warning Signs of 9-11 and Intelligence Failures: by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
An overview on the one year anniversary of 9-11-
These are articles that I found which cast more doubts upon the government/corporate spin on events-
These articles are not directly related to 9-11, but provide not very well known information about the Bush Family history and Cheney's background:
In the new age of terrorism, Congress is quietly developing emergency plans to deal with a doomsday scenario in which many lawmakers are killed or injured during an attack.
On one level, the debate is about logistics: Where and how would lawmakers assemble if the Capitol were destroyed, heavily damaged or targeted in a bioterror attack?
The House, in particular, also must resolve sticky constitutional questions. Not the least of them is whether a devastated legislative body could choose a speaker, who would be behind only the vice president in the line of succession to the presidency.
Many lawmakers believe that on Sept. 11, United Airlines (news - web sites) Flight 93 was headed for the Capitol, the symbol of American democracy, before an apparent passenger uprising led to its crash in a Pennsylvania field. Just minutes earlier, the biggest symbols of U.S. economic and military might had been attacked in New York City and suburban Virginia.
Both the House and Senate were disrupted a few weeks later when an anthrax-laced letter was opened in the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota.
Combined with the continuing threat from the al-Qaida network and other terrorists, the events have led to a wholesale re-examination of how Congress would continue if many of the 435 House members and 100 senators were killed or seriously injured.
"Those who believe there will always be time to address this, and we can postpone a solution indefinitely, are engaging in wishful thinking," said Rep. Brian Baird (news, bio, voting record), a Washington Democrat pressing for changes.
House and Senate leaders have discussed a number of sites, such as Fort McNair in the District of Columbia, as temporary emergency meeting places. Other sites up to 1,000 miles away are being considered. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., got $100 million included in a supplemental spending bill last week to build and outfit what would be a de facto capitol with necessary communications and computer technology.
Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., is advocating greater use of the Internet or video conferencing technology as an alternative, especially if lawmakers were stranded in home districts because airlines were grounded and other modes of transportation shut down.
His idea might get a tryout in the months ahead. Each House member already has a new handheld communications device for maintaining contact.
Beyond such post-emergency planning is the more fundamental question of how Congress, and especially the House, would reconstitute itself if many lawmakers were killed or incapacitated.
New senators could be chosen quickly because governors can appoint successors. House members, however, must be chosen by direct elections that can require up to six months.
Lest anyone think the matter trivial, consider the legislation Congress passed quickly after Sept. 11: authorization of military force, emergency rescue aid, airline aid, money for the war on terrorism, assistance to victims and a law enforcement anti-terrorism bill.
Under the Constitution, none of that could have been be done by the Senate or a president alone. "It is hard to argue that at a time of maximum national peril, it would be desirable either to have laws made by an unrepresentative handful of lawmakers or via a benign form of martial law," said Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute.
Baird and 86 others have proposed a constitutional amendment to allow governors to appoint House members for a 90-day term if 25 percent of the House has been killed, disabled or is missing and presumed dead.
Replacements would not have to be of the same political parties as their predecessors. That is an important difference between Baird's proposal and a plan by Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., and that could ensnare the idea in partisan politics.
Passing a constitutional amendment also could take years. An amendment would have to pass both houses of Congress by two-thirds vote and be ratified by three-fourths of the states.
Many lawmakers say Congress should focus instead on changing its rules or passing laws to address the most pressing problems. For instance, a law could call for expedited election of replacements and address the presidential succession question by preventing a small number of House members from picking a speaker. A rules change could redefine a voting quorum needed to pass emergency legislation.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers plans meetings this summer intended to recommend a course of action. The co-chairman, Rep. Christopher Cox (news, bio, voting record), R-Calif., wants Congress to act this year.
Continuity of Government Commission
Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the FBI- "No paper trail..."
President Meets with Displaced Workers in Town Hall Meeting - And Tells Us He Saw The First Plane Hit On Live TV Before He Went Into The School-
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident.
But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."
And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first. You know, I grew up in a period of time where the idea of America being under attack never entered my mind -- just like your Daddy's and Mother's mind probably. And I started thinking hard in that very brief period of time about what it meant to be under attack. I knew that when I got all of the facts that we were under attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America. (Applause.)
Review of the Handling of Intelligence Related to the September 11 Attacks, June 10, 2005
CIA Director Warned Congress About 9/11 Attacks, sound clip from NPR
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld says a missile hit the Pentagon
The Whitewash Conspiracy-
The Sound of One Hand Clapping, June 11, 2005, Rigourous Intuition, by Jeff Wells
NeoCon Global Government, June 13, Ron Paul
White House: No congressional approval needed to attack Iraq, August 26, 2002, USA Today
The Pentagon Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks, by CHRIS FLOYD
GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline, By Doug Thompson, Publisher, Capitol Hill Blue
Nov 10, 2005,
The Secret War- Frustrated by intelligence failures, the Defense Department is dramatically expanding its 'black world' of covert operations, by William M. Arkin, October 27, 2002, Los Angeles Times
Rumsfeld's influential Defense Science Board 2002 Summer Study on Special Operations and Joint Forces in Support of Countering Terrorism says in its classified "outbrief" -- a briefing drafted to guide other Pentagon agencies -- that the global war on terrorism "requires new strategies, postures and organization."
The board recommends creation of a super-Intelligence Support Activity, an organization it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group, (P2OG), to bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception.
Among other things, this body would launch secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction -- that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to "quick-response" attacks by U.S. forces.
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Strategic Communication, September 2004
The report concludes: ”[T]he critical problem in American public diplomacy directed toward the Muslim World is not one of ‘dissemination of information,’ or even one of crafting and delivering the ‘right’ message. Rather, it is a fundamental problem of credibility. Simply, there is none—the United States today is without a working channel of communication to the world of Muslims and of Islam. Inevitably therefore, whatever Americans do and say only serves the party that has both the message and the ‘loud and clear’ channel: the enemy.”]
Let Bin Laden stay free, says CIA man
From the President, State of Emergency,
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders in to effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.
EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution inany undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months.